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When to give baby rice???


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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Over the last couple of weeks Charlie has been taking 8oz feeds every 3 hours and it still hasn't been fully satisfying him. He has also gone from sleeping from 7.30pm - 7am, to waking through the night for a feed. I have been thinking he is ready for weaning but have held off for as long as I can, I won't even eat in front of him now cos he goes crazy for our food :roll:

Anyway, I phoned the hv this morning to explain and ask for her advice, and she said that I could try moving him onto 2nd stage milk or start giving him some baby rice, fruit/veg puree. My concern with the 2nd stage is that she said he could get quite constipated and tbh we have enough problems in that area already.

So I suppose my question is, has anyone gone onto 2nd stage before they have started weaning? Also when you started giving baby rice, how many bottles did you give it with and which bottles did you give it on?

Thanks in advance girls :D
On the advice of Pead's I started givng my LO baby rice, on its own, after a feed in the morning, and a feed in the afernoon (on the hoping that it would help to keep the milk in him).

I have never tried a stage two milk etc as my LO is on prescription only milk, so I cant comment.

He is over 4 months, assuming he was not Prem. SO technically you can start feeding him baby rice/crushed rusk mixed with milk. Then slowly introduce more flavers. Jar of puree say, can be kept for 48 hours, so this will cover 3 days, which is the minimum that I would trial new foods for, to check for any reactions etc. Then you know what upset him, where as if you hit him with them all at once, you wont know whats upset his tummy - if anything.

My DS has been having rice/puree's for about 2 weeks now and loves it, cant get enough in him... no matter how much he eats he still wakes ravenous for a feed at about 4am :roll:

DONT reduce his milk intake at the moment though, jsut introduce one meal, mabey around 4pm, dont let it take away a bottle though. As this is still the primary source of nutriance for your LO!

I would try the 2nd stage first, when you start weaning for the first time that can also cause constipation anyway.

Angel's breastfed so i don't know about stage 2, but she's been on half a rusk a night for a week now, and loves it.
Thanks for the replys girls.

Might just try the 2nd stage milk first then, as I would like to make it to 6 months if poss :D
ive been thinking about this too, Anjali often feeds has quite a good feed, then is screaming for more an hour later!

i havent used any bottles with her so im not sure what the next stage is, do babies have to have follow on milk or can they just be fed mushy food?
Angel absolutely will not touch a bottle. She closes her mouth so i can't even shove it in.
But she opens wide for rusk. I just mix it with express milk or boiled water, then if she's hungry after just breastfeed. I'm a bit bothered with starting so early so i just give her half a rusk a night and if she finishes it give her milk. Hopefully she'll take to rice just as well. She absolutely loves her evening meal. Hopefully she won't be fussy like i am.
gymbabeliz said:
ive been thinking about this too, Anjali often feeds has quite a good feed, then is screaming for more an hour later!

i havent used any bottles with her so im not sure what the next stage is, do babies have to have follow on milk or can they just be fed mushy food?

bit of a thread hijack, but connor's still bf alongside his newly introduced meals. i have no intention of giving him follow-on milk (or any formula) unless circumstances drastically change for some reason and he requires it. i'm doing my own version of BLW so for the most part, i'm not pureeing anything, just slowly introducing foods in their ordinary state :) also, connor is still bf-ing just as much as he was before weaning (about every 1.5/2 hours); he's still waking and feeding at night too! if anything, i think the solid food is just giving him more energy to burn off :roll: :lol: :lol:
Blimey, that's the last thing Charlie needs, more energy to burn off :roll:
i'm starting to think that someone is giving connor red bull behind my back...!! he is seriously hyper at the moment :lol:
purple13 said:

bit of a thread hijack, but connor's still bf alongside his newly introduced meals. i have no intention of giving him follow-on milk (or any formula) unless circumstances drastically change for some reason and he requires it. i'm doing my own version of BLW so for the most part, i'm not pureeing anything, just slowly introducing foods in their ordinary state :) also, connor is still bf-ing just as much as he was before weaning (about every 1.5/2 hours); he's still waking and feeding at night too! if anything, i think the solid food is just giving him more energy to burn off :roll: :lol: :lol:

this is what my instincts are telling me...if she's not using bottles or formula now, why would i introduce them? she's not really intrested in anything ive waved under her nose so far but i havent persisted at all, think i'll give it a few more weeks until she starts grabbing at food
thomas has rice with his last bottle before bed he will have the rice 30ish mins before the bottle is due then he will have the bottle about 20 mins after the food as it gives him time to digest the rice before a bottle of milk,
hes just started having some porridge twice a week at lunch
both meals he only have 1 teaspoon food to 1 tablespoon milk so its not loads

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