Over the last couple of weeks Charlie has been taking 8oz feeds every 3 hours and it still hasn't been fully satisfying him. He has also gone from sleeping from 7.30pm - 7am, to waking through the night for a feed. I have been thinking he is ready for weaning but have held off for as long as I can, I won't even eat in front of him now cos he goes crazy for our food
Anyway, I phoned the hv this morning to explain and ask for her advice, and she said that I could try moving him onto 2nd stage milk or start giving him some baby rice, fruit/veg puree. My concern with the 2nd stage is that she said he could get quite constipated and tbh we have enough problems in that area already.
So I suppose my question is, has anyone gone onto 2nd stage before they have started weaning? Also when you started giving baby rice, how many bottles did you give it with and which bottles did you give it on?
Thanks in advance girls

Anyway, I phoned the hv this morning to explain and ask for her advice, and she said that I could try moving him onto 2nd stage milk or start giving him some baby rice, fruit/veg puree. My concern with the 2nd stage is that she said he could get quite constipated and tbh we have enough problems in that area already.
So I suppose my question is, has anyone gone onto 2nd stage before they have started weaning? Also when you started giving baby rice, how many bottles did you give it with and which bottles did you give it on?
Thanks in advance girls