When to cut down on bottles?


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2007
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DS has 4 bottles a day just now which totals 625ml of milk.

Should I be thinking of cutting out a bottle sometime soon and offering juice/water with his meals instead of milk. (We have finally found a cup that he likes to drink Water/juice from.)
Glad you've found a cup which works for you - can I ask which one it is? Anyway, James is the same age as your LO and he's on three bottles a day. He dropped his mid-morning feed by himself, now he has one at 7, 12ish and then about 4/5. Tbh, he'd probably be happy without any milk at all....
Have you tried just pushing out the time of each feed? Like you would do if you were trying to get him to sleep a bit later if you see what I mean?
Leese said:
Glad you've found a cup which works for you - can I ask which one it is? Anyway, James is the same age as your LO and he's on three bottles a day. He dropped his mid-morning feed by himself, now he has one at 7, 12ish and then about 4/5. Tbh, he'd probably be happy without any milk at all....
Have you tried just pushing out the time of each feed? Like you would do if you were trying to get him to sleep a bit later if you see what I mean?

It's a Tesco own brand one with a soft spout. He seems to really manage well with it.

Can I ask you how many oz a day your lo has. xxx
My son has three meals a day now and usually has 3 bottles (one of those is normally at stupid-o-clock in the depths of night) but today hes had 5 in a 24hr period. they say they should have about a pint a day and id say usually he has less. he might take 6oz in the night, no more than 3oz in the day and another 6oz before bed. but today he drank 7oz at 4am, (5oz in his porridge for breakfast). 4oz before his lunch time nap (he would of drank more but he fell asleep) 6oz at about half 3 and 7oz before bed at 8! thats loads for him!! But he demanded each bottle so i just followed his lead? I no i had to give him the bottle because when he wants milk and i take my time getting it ready he turns into a rageing mess and absolutely nothing will calm him down until he has it. he has eaten well too so im guessing a growth spurt?

The point im trying to get to is that i no your suppose to gradually de-crease their amount of milk but if hes screaming for a bottle and eating well surely i should give it to him? :think: what would you do?

As for juice he hardly drinks any. even if he hasnt had a bottle since the night and hes due his midday nap bottle, i offer juice to him before hand since i know he'll be thirsty but he wont take it. im not too worried at the mo since he is still drinking around a pint of water from his bottles.
leland started dropping his breakie bottle so i dropped his dreamfeed , he know has 3 x 8oz bottles a day , 8 am , 2/3 pm and 8 pm
James doesn't have as much milk as he should - generally about 17oz a day. I try to include milk in his food, give him lots of cheese and yogurt and stuff. Short of a milk enema there's no way I can get him to take more and it's such a fight we both get really upset so I go with the flow. He has three meals a day though, loves his food.

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