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When r u going on mat leave?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2011
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I have suddenly hit a brick wall today. Not due to finish up for mat leave until 36+4 weeks (3 weeks on fri) but I came home today and told my hubby how something feels different in my body. I have had a really straight forward pregnancy and have felt fine (apart from usual tiredness, breathlessness etc) however today I've had my first strange twinges in my tummy and my fingers and ankles have slightly swollen for first time.
I ran up and down stairs quite a lot at work today and I am really busy in general trying to finish things off before my mat leave starts. I work in alcohol and drugs support and my day to day job includes chatting to lots of folk, visiting them in their homes, listening to problems, etc etc. However, I just can't face another 3 weeks of it!!!!
I don't get mat pay from this job, just usual 6 wks 90% and SMP so I had been hoping not to start mat leave til as late as possible. Just don't see how I can.
Sorry for the rant. Feeling a bit sorry for myself tonight. Another night not sleeping well and work to get up for in morning. It doesn't help lying awake thinking of everything I still need to get/do for baby coming!!!

When did u / do you all finish up at work?
I finish this Friday and I'll be 33 weeks and 2 days. I'm shattered and actually need this time to sort myself out xxx
I finish at 36+5 so got another 3 weeks left too. At the moment I am still feeling fine, but I am praying I don't 'hit the brick wall' before then as I really want to work for as long as possible. My fingers and ankles have swollen too!

Can you take any odd days holiday between now and then? That's what I am doing, just to ease the pressure a little x
I know what you mean about suddenly feeling different hun. I've had such a good pregnancy but literally in the last day or so I've started to feel different, it's difficult to explain. I've also been very active throughout my pregnancy but I think my body might now be telling me to slow down and stop once in a while. I work for myself so have been working more from home and stopping to rest more, it seems to have helped so like Kirsty said if you do have holiday maybe use that just so you are resting more xxx
28th of may is supposed to be my last day if I can get that far. I will be 38 + 3 but I now have spd and very swollen hands and feet as im a beautician and mainly on my feet all day. Will have to take week by week and see how it goes. Xx
I'm finishing at 35 weeks so got 4 weeks left. But I'm using holiday to cut my hours down. This is my first week part time and I'm so ready for it!! I'm off today and tomorrow. I'd recommend it if you have holidays hun. I only actually have 10 working days even though I'm there for another 4 weeks.
I have 4 weeks left at work, and thankfully my antenatal classes are starting next week which means I will be having fridays off (half unpaid) - I think a 4 day week will reeeaaaallllllyyy help.

I agree with the others, try to have the odd day off to recoup
i have 5 more working days then im off !! il be 35 weeks +5 days, looking forward to it, recently its becoming more of a struggle, takes me a lot longer to get around. Iv had the odd day off here and there as tiredness has had the better of me but my boss is great and just tells me to rest at home for the day :) il be sad when imleaving though :( but happy at the same time :) xxx
I'm stopping 8th June, due 25th July... Not starting my mat leave untill 15th July, just using my holiday entitlement. I work in retail so 9-6 on my feet is pretty trying just now :( can't imagine what it will be like when I get bigger!
I started my maternity leave on Monday at 32 weeks. 4 weeks annual leave first, then ML from 36 weeks. I started struggling with my job as a cleaning supervisor about 3-4 weeks ago when spd kicked in, so I am so grateful to be able to relax at home now. Although I have started doing loads around the house :) Not bored yet either lol xx
I started my maternity leave on Monday at 32 weeks. 4 weeks annual leave first, then ML from 36 weeks. I started struggling with my job as a cleaning supervisor about 3-4 weeks ago when spd kicked in, so I am so grateful to be able to relax at home now. Although I have started doing loads around the house :) Not bored yet either lol xx

I was worried I was finishing up too early and would get bored, hope I still have some motivation and get out an about :) x
I was supposed to start this week but went a week earlier instead. I'd started to feel different too, just heavier, achier and my pelvis was killing me so I got a certificate from the doctor. I've got 4 weeks annual leave first, then my ML startsat the very end of May.

I had planned to work as close to the birth as possible, but I can see now that there's no way I would have managed it!
I start maternity 6 June wen I'll be 37w3. Last day of work is 1 June followed by weekend off and 2 public holidays. I'm currently only there 3 days a week at minute - using holidays and doing course one day a week. I work shifts and know I couldn't be there full time at this stage as working until 10.30pm isn't possible as I hit the wall for bed by 9pm most nights lol
hey hun

its understnadable to start feeling tired i dont think we realise just how much effort it takes being pregnant without having to work at the same time :( i finished at 33 weeks this time around but only cos i had 7 weeks holiday to take before hand but tbh even if i didnt have the holiday i would have still gone then as i was exhausted :hugs:xxx
I was planning to work until I am 38 weeks, finishing 13th July with the baby due 29th July. Using two weeks holdiay. Hopefully I will be behind my desk from 36 weeks onwards and not be out on surveys. I'm also hoping that I'm not being too ambitious working so late, but I'd really like the time after Pickle arrives to be at home with him.
i leave in a week n half - i will be 33 weeks ish.
I have 7 weeks annual leave though - dont forget to add your annual leave entitlement for the year on! (if you get it)
means my MAT pay dont start til middle July.
I thought I would work right until 2 weeks due but I just can't. And im moving house 15th May so i thought - sod it. Im going. x
I tried to talk to my boss today over the phone as she's based in another office but she chose that phone call to pull me up for not doing expenses paperwork right so by the time we got to "so you want to finish earlier do you?..." I was in tears and had to hang up on her!!! She's actually really lovely and we text each other afterwards and I'll call her again tomorrow but I'm just sooooo stressed out by it all. I have asked her to let me know my options. Up till now I've had to keep her right with all things maternity related, but now I want her to take the lead and advise me what to do.
I thought I would've needed to accrue holidays before taking them (our leave year runs from April 1st tonend march) so I thought I only would gave a couple of days holiday owed to me. There's always the sick leave route... But I
Think my doc is a bit crap. But as my work colleague said - I'm not really fit to work as normal. I can't do much whilst I'm stressed, exhausted and bursting into tears every 10mins!!!
My holiday entitlement runs from April 1st to mar too and I have been allowed to take my full 4 weeks entitlement before going on maternity as I am still employed by my company on leave. Plus I only have to work march next year before my new leave entitlement starts. So it is definitely worth asking ur boss about using ur holiday xx
Im finishing in 2 weeks at 37+2, howeveri have started to hit a brick wall and today i just couldnt keep my eyes opne after lunch and on tuesday got sent home due to swollen ankles, been back today and they were massive by end of the day, willl go back tomorrow although im pretty sure my boss may want me to leave sooner will have to take it as it come s x
My leave year runs April to March also. As I said I'm using holidays to let me work part time. I get 6 weeks holiday so not being due back until March I wouldn't have time to take them all before new entitlement. When on maternity you are entitled to all terms as an employee including full annual leave entitlement, in my case free gym use :)

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