When is the right time to by baby items??


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2008
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I dont know how to get my ticker on im 8 weeks pregnant today :D :) :D :)

When does everyone think is the best time to buy baby clothes and small items?

I dont want to jinx myself

Are you going to find out what your having?

Have you any names yet?

We were always in two minds about finding out the sex but I think we have agreed to find out now (althou that might change) we do have some names picked but nothing 100% yet... what bout you??
We are finding out the sex because i want to by pink or blue instead of white and yellow lol

we have a few names well should i say i do we cant agree on any because he doesnt like all the names i do!!

I like Tilly, Amioney, Blake and Carter and we both like Ella xx
Do what makes you feel comfortable.

I didn't buy much till past my 20 week scan as a) I didn't want to spend money so early and b) I wanted to reach the 20 week mark before buying most of the stuff because of storage. And to make sure all was well with baby. Also the earlier you start buying the more time you have to keep buying. And run the risk of wasting a heap of money on things you don't actually need. Clothing wise I went with sleepsuits and bodysuits for the 0-3 month stage as they are far easier on small babies and less hassle to change. And wash and dry well. I can't be arsed with outfits/clothes when so small and often changing 3 times a day or more. Why make more laundry for yourself when you are knackered, have a baby stuck on you and are coping with all the other joys of new motherhood.

O colourwise it didn't matter to us as we don't do the whole pink or blue thing so went with vibrant colours for nursery and whatever for clothes.
with all mine i started buying stuff around 29 weeks
Its great to start buying things but the only thing i found with buying to much too early was that when everything was bought and ready it felt like ur then just sitting and waiting for the baby to come and then the weeks seems to drag!at least if u try to spread it out a bit u have something to look forward to each week,other than being another week pregnant lol
I am waiting until my 20 weeks scan until I start buying anything, especially the bigger items.

Plus having just moved back to the UK to a MUCH smaller house than we had in France, space is already a problem!

I did see some gorgeous little outfits in Next the other day, and had a good Ohhhh and Arhhhhh, and then walked away, as decided I had lots of time to shop in the 2nd half of my pregnancy!

Its personal choice!
We didnt wait with James cos we were too excited.

This time we are gonna wait cos we have everything anyway so just need to see whether we are team blue or pink before buying some new clothes1 :cheer:
You can get a ticker easily, at Lilypie.com, set up a ticker and then use the BB CODE.

Its personal preference when to buy baby things, with me and my partner we have almost everything, mainly people, partners brother just had baby and he passed us his moses basket, etc. Many people say that you shouldnt buy before the 3 month mark because its bad luck , but i beleive this is another old wives tail.

Do what you feel comfortable with.
if its a girl, ive already got mostly everything (alice was in tiny baby clothes, so ive even got a bag full of them).

If its a boy, ive still got loads of nuteral clothes, but we won't but until after the 20 week scan.

i don't plan to get the stuff down from my mums loft until closer to 30 weeks though.
To get a ticker all you have to do is click on someone elses ticker that you like and that will take you to the site which will explain how to set it up. :D

When I was at your stage I was itching to buy stuff for baby but somehow didn't until after I was 20 weeks. Even now, all I've bought is a pram (that hasn't arrived yet) and some sleepsuits and bodysuits. Its really up to you how you feel about it, you've got so much time yet though. :)
Jen&James said:
We didnt wait with James cos we were too excited.

This time we are gonna wait cos we have everything anyway so just need to see whether we are team blue or pink before buying some new clothes1 :cheer:

Exactly the same here :D :D :D
The right time is when you're ready to!

I didn't buy much until I was 20 weeks but that's just me. Plus being my second I wanted to go through what I have from last time before I went crazy!

I don't believe in jinxing yourself or anythign like that, so if you see something, you like it and it's affordable then go for it!
My last pregnancy i didnt buy anything until 30 weeks, i was given a lot of stuff, we found out that we was having a boy so he was easier to buy for. This time we have decide that we dont want to know the sex of the baby. I think im going to but a unisex pram, where going to decorate the babys room in a jungle/animal theme, but a few neutral clothes. I do have alot of boys clothes from having Taylor so if the baby is a boy thats no problem. In my hospital bag im going to buy plain vests and a pack of blue and pink bodysuits. We are going to do all the shopping clothes wise after the baby is born, i was given and bought that much stuff last time i still have clothes in packets nearly two years on. Taylor was to big to fit in newborn last time, so i dont even no if to bother with newborn this time :rotfl:
I started to pick things up a few days after my BFP, I believe if something is going to happen it will happen, no matter what you've bought or who you've told etc. Admittedly my first purchase were some sweet bibs (dumbo from disney store and humphrey ones in mothercare) but Ive now got a few sleepsuits etc to go with them. In fact my mother and my gran have bought as much as I have lol. Think we are pretty much covered for sleepsuiuts up until about 9 months (weve all bought across the ages range)
Ive also got my steriliser and bottles as they were half price in toys r us (tommee tippee 3 in 1 steriliser - microwave, steam and cold water was £10 and then a pack of 4 extra bottles were £6-7).
I think the most extravagent purchase so far has been the full collection (well, whats out in the range) of the me to you 'my blue nose friends' soft toys. We are now waiting for the next set of them to come out in october, then not sure if there is a set in december. Think in total theres about 16 in the range and they are £5 each.
hi! :wave:
i bought my pram at about 10 weeks as i saw it and loved it and it was a bargain!
i do not believe buying stuff early is tempting fate,i think if something will go wrong it will regardless of if you have any baby items in your house or not!
i was not going to get stuff so early but saw it and fell in love with it!! :cheer: :cheer:

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