When is the right time to tell my Manager??


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2012
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Hey girls..

I am 12 weeks pregnant on tuesday and i had my 1st scan last week babys doing well and a healthy baby... Ive had 3 people saying im going to have a girl but i dont think i want to find out on my next scan i want it to be a secret :) When do u think its the best time to tell my manager i am showing a little bit and im worried if i dont tell him tuesday or wednesday it will b to late as hes going on holiday for to weeks this week what do u think should i tell him this week or leave it a month or two i have to lift heavy things in work and worried Advice please...

Many thanks

kelli xx
I would tell him whenever you can now, especially if there are areas of your job that could put you at risk. Why are you waiting? Are you worried about telling him?
If you were not lifting heavy items i would of said leave it till he gets back if you are in no rush to tell him... but as you do lift heavy things they will have to do a risk assessment for you x
I'd say tell him with you lifting stuff, always better to be on the safe side!
I told work the day I had my 12 week scan, as I was starting to show a little and I didn't want to be outed!

Ye im abit worried about telling him... but will have to do it soon just worried what he will think as ive just turned 18 xxx
Just you take care of yourself and your wee one and the rest will follow. Work cant discriminate against you because your pregnant or because of your age... Im sure he will be fine :)
Thankyou think i will sit him down and tell him on tuesday when im in work... Might ask a friend to come with me..

Thanks girls really worried.

kelli xx

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No not at all, if your permanent and out of your probationary period its really not in their interest to do such a thing. Think about it in this way - you've just told them your pregnant, they sack you, you sue them for discrimination or unfair dismissal because your pregnant...
Yeah there are laws in place to protect expectant mothers against things like that happening. Sure he will be fine about it though chuck. When i told my governor he was pretty cool about it and the thing is, well i know in my job a work place risk assessment has to be done when your pregnant so your removed from situations that could be detrimental to the health of you and the baby. You'll be fine :)
Thankyou so much means alot u have helped me alot and made me want to tell him defo now..

Will speak 2 him

Thanks again
kelli xx

Make a pregnancy ticker
Thankyou so much means alot u have helped me alot and made me want to tell him defo now..

Will speak 2 him

Thanks again
kelli xx

Make a pregnancy ticker

No probs you, glad i could help in some way even if its just putting your mind at ease some. Good luck and as i said youll be fine!!
Kelli how long have you been perm for? And does your temp employment count as part of your continued employment? It may be that your not covered for maternity leave but you'll still get maternity allowance through the government

been perm since the 12th feb... but been off my probation on the 17th may... Spoken to my manager today and hes happy for me xx

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