when does kicking get harder?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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since i started feeling my LO move, the intensity of the movements hasnt really changed....the kicks are still really tiny pops and in fact i think i am feeling fewer actual kicks , although there is more movement in general (i think)..im not getting woken up with any movements and when im busy doing things i still barely notice a thing!! Im not REALLy worried cos i have my doppler and i can hear the heartbeat even when shes quiet, and my bump is increasing steadily so somethings obviously going on in there....but is it ok that the movements are still so subtle?
do you know where abouts your placenta is hun?

If its at the front then this will cusion them I think.. :think: either that or in a few weeks you'll be getting dug in the ribs and beaten up from the inside :)
my scan notes say 'fundal and posterior- not low'

so should i be feeling more :?
She must just be being nice to her Mummy then chick :D Id say she's fine if you can hear her heartbeat and she moves in general

I've been feeling the exact same way for the past 2 weeks...little pops here and there - mostly noticeable when I'm not moving around. They haven't changed in intensity or frequency since they started. But it's normal...my doctor said I may not feel any real 'kicks' until the end of the second trimester - so try not to worry too much. The doppler is really a life-saver isn't it? I have one too and use it practically every day to make sure she's ok!
i think it might be because you have tight tummy muscles.. midna also could hardly feel kicks and her mw said its coz her tummy muscles are so taught

I am always worried about not feeling anything yet, and so i asked my consultant.. and he said that around 28 weeks.. (YES... u might have to wait 28 weeks :evil: ) that u will be feeling definate movements!!

So.. another 4 weeks for you and 5 weeks for me.. HURRY UP!!

i wouldnt worry. Most days my LO is just giving me gentle little taps, or i can feel her changing postion, but nothing that hard yet. Ive had the odd one thats made me go "Oooh!" but they dont haoppen very often. Shes growing everyday so it makes it tricky to notice when the kicks get harder cos its so gradual. My first baby didnt kick me that hard unitl right near the end though, then it felt like she had her feet hooked round my ribs. Bloody hurt, lol.
I had my midwife check last Thursday and I mentioned none of the movements felt painful or even uncomfortable. I can confidently feel movements, hubby can feel movements but they're not the kicks and thumps that get talked about here lots.

The midwife said it was completely normal, partly different physiology and partly that people have different thresholds for discomfort etc.

I can see my belly move but it certainly doesn't hurt.
thanks for the replies, i feel a bit more reassured now! I wondered if stomach muscle thickness had anything to do with it. I'm sure when they DO get harder i'll wonder why i wanted harder kicks lol
I love feeling the little kicks and bumps - they always make me smile :) But last night I had one 'proper' kick that reminded me the stomach is a very sensitive place to be hit! I say enjoy the movement you get now and don't be too anxious to be beaten up :rotfl:
I find mine kicks hardest when I'm using the doppler. Thats the only time I see my tummy move.
The rest of the time it's just little taps that I only notice when I'm sat down quietly, I think my baby just can't be bothered to kick most of the time, it's happy just chilling. I hope it's gonna stay laid back when it comes out! :D

ETA: Yay! :cheer: :cheer: I've moved onto the next baby pic on my ticker, I love it when that happens! :D
i still dont feel really hard kicks,

more of a wriggling sensation inside, my tummy looks like something is trying to get out, it makes me smile but i've no pain with them.

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