When does it stop? :-(


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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Just wondered when i will start to feel more energised? At the moment i am absolutely knackered... i went to bed at 9pm last nite felt bad as i'd only seen my DH for about an hour.. but i was shattered and i am still really really tired this morning.... finding it hard to concentrate at work :-(
sorry to say this but i just feel more and more tired every day probably doens help working and looking after a two year old!
You should get a burst of energy by around week 15....believe me though the feelings of being tired and having no energy will return with avengence once you pass the 25/28 week marker....enjoy it when it does come. I had a massive energy/nesting phase last week. I'm so tired etc today though - swings and roundabouts, the tireness etc is to make you rest and slow down to nurture LO better, before birth it's to make you rest before you need tons of energy for the delivery etc....all worth it in the end xx
I'm still knackered now hun at nearly 21 weeks :(
I'm not as tired as I was earlier on though!!! :hug:
I'm still knackered too, especially during the day. I'm not quite as tired as i was in the beginning but I don't know if its getting better or if i'm just getting used to it

xx :sleep:
alfie said:
I'm still knackered too, especially during the day. I'm not quite as tired as i was in the beginning but I don't know if its getting better or if i'm just getting used to it

xx :sleep:

I don't think we gave her the answer she was hoping for, lol!!!

Sorry Gruntie!!!
Thanks for your comments........ are there any supplements/foods u can have that will give u that little bit more energy?
I started feeling more energized at 15 weeks but this week has been hell, tired in the afternoons (you have to take a nap) but the last 2 days it has been hard to drag myself out of bed!

As for foods, just stick to fruits, bannanas are full of folic acid and energy, oranges, melon, apples etc, also try to eat more salad and add in some meats like chicken.

Don't resort to caffine! or energy drinks!

Unfortunately, there isn't much more you can do, unless you are not taking iron or folic acid supplements. If you need iron, go to your Gyn, they will prescribe you it.
Maybe i should get my company to install a bed somewhere in the office so i can take a nap.... :pray:
U will get energetic and lets just say ur bf/ husband (sori not so sure) will love u! i got so horny sori tmi :hug: :rotfl:
hehehe.... i haven't got a problem with thta at the moment.... its me who is horney and my DH isn't..... i think he's turned off with me being pregnant.. i'll have to jump him in his sleep LOL
There turned off @ 1st bcos they think there going to hurt the baby! Get as much nookie in as u can especially at the end thats what startd me in labour :cheer: :hug:
Gruntie2 said:
hehehe.... i haven't got a problem with thta at the moment.... its me who is horney and my DH isn't..... i think he's turned off with me being pregnant.. i'll have to jump him in his sleep LOL

Oh, my fella was like that! Then he changed his mind and was the one hassling me, however, he grew tired of it when I changed my tune. Some nights, you may hear him screaming to be let go and struggling to crawl to the bedroom door :twisted:
Oh, my fella was like that! Then he changed his mind and was the one hassling me, however, he grew tired of it when I changed my tune. Some nights, you may hear him screaming to be let go and struggling to crawl to the bedroom door


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