When do you stop late night feeds?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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We have a really good routine with Jamie's feeding.
He wakes up between 8 & 9 normally so has his brekkie around that sort of time then he has his lunch at about 12-1300 ish depending on when he woke up, then has his dinner at 17-1730 again depending.
We always give him a full bottle of milk at 2200 & he polishes it off like its going out of fashion but I was wondering at what age would I drop that feed?
I don't want to drop it at the moment because he obviously wants/needs it & it see's him right through the night.

Ta :D
hiya :wave:

Louie is my 3rd child, so i have done this twice before, but i can't remember if you ever drop the last feed, i think you just try to make it earlier & earlier, so they end up having it about 7 pm & then its bedtime??
not sure though.

if you did make the late feed earlier but jamie started waking in the night then you would know he isn't ready yet i suppose!!

good luck.xx
foxymum said:
hiya :wave:

Louie is my 3rd child, so i have done this twice before, but i can't remember if you ever drop the last feed, i think you just try to make it earlier & earlier, so they end up having it about 7 pm & then its bedtime??
not sure though.

if you did make the late feed earlier but jamie started waking in the night then you would know he isn't ready yet i suppose!!

good luck.xx

I agree, i tried dropping Ewans late feed but it made no difference and he would still wake during the night - he has now at 13 months started sleeping from 7.30 till 8am!! last bottle at 7
hi hun - hope you guys are ok!

i just brought alex's last bottle forward till it was at 7 - 7.30 ish. be prepared to kiss goodbye to the 8/9 am waking though. some babies will be fine and still sleep 12/13 hrs but alex is more like 6.30/7am waking!

Hi Nicki,

I cut Ryan's night bottle back to 8pm when he was about 13 weeks old as I too was giving him his last at 10.00. I did it cause we had some friends staying who had, had 2 kids and they said to give it a try.

I was convinced it wouldn't work as at that time, he was having a feed about 6 and I didn't think 2 hours was long enough for him to be fully hungry again. I was wrong, he took it no bother and now he's on solids and his tea is about 4pm ish, he takes his bedtime bottle at 6.30 and is in bed at 7 and sleeps till 8.

It might be worth a try, just do it at a time when it won't matter to you if he does waken during the night just in case.

Good Luck

Harley has his last bottle at 6/7pm and it gets him through till 8am.

Dior had a 10pm dreamfeed untill she was 7months old
Lydia still wakes up in the middle of the night most nights and wails. She doesn't stop until you give her another bottle.

I just stick milk in a bottle and hand it to her and then she settles back down.

Annoying child lol! You'd think she'd have grown out of that by now!
Aimee has a bottle around 7 then goes bed after that but she still wakes everynight at 3am for another one. She also wakes constantly for a drink of juice! Was hoping to get some full nights sleep before the new babies here but it doesn't look hopeful. :roll:
Thats interesting, thanks girls! I think i'll give it a go soon and see how we get on, better wait until DH is on days off :lol:

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