When do you get your 1st scan or midwife apt


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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Hi Ladies :wave:

I am going to see my GP today, this is my first pregnancy related apointment at all, just wondering what will happen and when will I get a scan or midwife apt ?????

Thanks for your help
I saw my MW at week 8, and haven't seen her since - I'm due to see her again at 28 weeks.
My first scan should've been at week 12, but my dates were incorrect and I ended up having a scan at week 10 and 12. I also had a scan at week 20.
I had antenatal checks with my GP at weeks 16 and 22.
i first saw midwife at 10 weeks and had an early scan and 8 weeks due to bleeding, otherwise it would've been 12 weeks

I gather it varies slightly in different areass

I saw my GP at 6weeks and a midwife at the surgery at 8 weeks. She took loads of info but no bloods or anything.

I had a dating scan and booking appointment with a midwife at the hospital at 12weeks (today!) I was with the MW for over an hour. She took blood, BP, urine, and loads of medical history questions.

Good luck!
Thanks Im so excited and scared at the same time!!
Ive already had 2 scans but thats due to a previous miscarriage, I think scans depend on your area.

Im seeing my midwife on the 7th June when I will be almost 9 weeks :)
Sorry - I didn't really answer your question!

At the first GP apt she didn't do anything specific. But by going to see the Doc it felt 'official'!

Also my DD is 9yrs and had a couple of complications during the preg so I wanted to talk about those and she let me get it all out and took me seriously which was good.

Good luck!
My first appointment was with the GP at 4 weeks, she just really advised me to be taking folic acid and refered me to the midwives. I had a 9 week booking in appointment (questions, concent for future blood tests etc) and then a scan at 12 weeks. After that I had a midwife appointment at 16 weeks, 20 weeks, a scan at 21 weeks, GP appointment at 24 weeks, midwife at 28 weeks and now I am 30 weeks I see the midwife every fortnight on a Tuesday at 1.40pm!! Hehehe I love that it's so exact and well planned here though I know some places make the next appointment at your current appointment type thing. It greatly varies from area to area as you'll gather, I'm on the south coast so I'm sure very different to people even just up in London or over in Devon etc.
i've been to the GP at 5wks to confirm pg and then at 6wks to meet m/w (you get to meet the m/w at our surgery although she doesnt do anything) & have full booking in appt with GP.

I have to telephone the hospital next week and they organise scans then, should be at around 10/11wks.... they are pretty efficient at my surgery i have to say...
I have a appointment with the midwife for when i am 10 weeks. It does seem a eternity away. I imagine she will then organise the scan for 12 weeks. It seems like that is when they like to do it.

I did get reminded today that though that if i have any questions or concerns to contact the EPC at the local hospital.

I imagine near the end of the last trimester we will look back on this eagerness and laugh!

big :hug: to everyone
I think the treatment you receive depends on the area you live in.

I saw my doctor at 5 weeks.

Had booking appointment with mw at 11 weeks for bloods, urine, weight, BP and medical history.

One and only scan at 12 weeks.

Congratulations on your pregnancy. Hope you have a healthy 9 months. :hug:
confirmed pg at 5 wks, saw m/w @ 8 wks, scan @ 13 wks
hope all went well hun? :D

Iv just seen my m/w and have an early scan on friday :hug:
i saw my GP at about 7 or 8 weeks, i got my maternity exemption card and a booking-in appointment with the midwife at 11 weeks.
with her, she felt my tummy, took my BP and wee, and booked my dating scan for when i was 14+5 weeks.
at the scan tho they put my dates back to 13+2, and thats when i got my maternity notes and pregnancy pack with emmas diary n stuff.
hope it went well!

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