I got a Docs app last Weds in because I had pains in the nights (most likely caused by constipation and heartburn) which got me scared so I got an emergency appointment.
She was absolutely useless. Kept wittering on about how doctors don't see PG women now and its all done by the midwives. I showed her a CB digi I'd done that morning as evidence which said Pregnant 2-3 and she asked me what that meant! She didn't seem to care I'd had a scare in the night with some quite sharp pains and palpatations and said it was most likely caused by constipation (the pain) and heartburn (palpatations). She then started fiddling with an iPhone app to work out my due date and how far along etc. This went on for sometime as she didn't know how to use it. When she finally worked out the dates (using a calendar) she figured out I was only 4 weeks + and then made a *tsk* sound, looked irritated and said I'm only late and could still have a period. Also probably not to start telling people because it might not work out. Lets just say I wasn't impressed. Best thing she did do though was prescribe me industrial strength antacids which have really helped me out.
Anyway I made my first appointment with the midwife. But the earliest date they have is 08/06 (1 month away). And that's just for getting registered etc.
OK rant over, apologies everyone.