when did your first baby engage?


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Was just wondering when your first baby engaged? (as the title says lol) I'm 38 weeks and although baby is head down shes not having any of it and it jusrt on the brim of my pelvis, she much prefers it under my ribs. :shakehead:

Everything else with my pregnancy has gone really smoothly but I'm starting to worry that this baby should've dropped by now!!

Does anyone know what will happen if it doesn't drop by my due date?

xxxx :D
not til i was in labour, or at least pre-labour, they said she wasnt engaged fully 36 hours before i gave birth, my cervix was effaced then and was getting like pre-contractions- so it was sometime between then and the birth that she fully engaged. i think at 38 weeks she was still "ceph, free" in my maternity notes so not engaged at all- but then she wasnt even head-down until 36 weeks :roll:

are u only little? im only 5'4" and have very narrow hips (78cm) and millie's head was quite big (35cm) so IMO that had something to do with it, there probably wasnt enough space?
How many weeks were you when you went into labour?

I'm 5ft 4 too but I don't think my hips are particulary small-I was a size 10 pre pregnancy. My bump isn't very big, although I suppose that doesn't mean baby is small.

I've got MW today so hopefully she'll be able to tell me something.
My baby engaged at about 34 weeks I think, took about 4 weeks to engage fully. Trixipaws gave birth on her due date I think? :think:
Tia didn't engage till I was in labour somewhere between 2pm, when I arrived at the hospital and told I couldn't possibly be in labour as I had irregular contractions and she wasn't engaged, up to 6.57pm when Tia popped out :D
Becky was 3/5 engaged at 32 weeks then 2/5 engaged for the rest of my pregnancy. She was only fully later on in labour.
sarah2807 said:
How many weeks were you when you went into labour?

i gave birth on my due date! :D started pre-labour at 39+5.
Baby was head down at 36+6 but not engaged then Evie was born at 38+4 so she must have engaged at some point between then! :lol:
My first baby was fully engaged at 38 weeks and born at 39 weeks.
LO didn't fully engage until I was in labour. He had engaged a couple of weeks before but the decided to pop back out again.

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