When did you tell family


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2007
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Hi eveyone, :wave:
At what stage did you tell tell everyone you were pregnant? I have only found out yesterday (confired by docs today) but I am so wanting to tell my sister who has been wanting to be an Auntie for years!!!

Would you recommend waiting until I m further gone?f so how far gone? We are going out for my sisters bday on the 20th October and she will want to know why I am not drinking- got another 18th do as well beg of october! I dont know what to do????
oh me too, think h2b wants to tell them now!!
not sure what to do :)
we can be buddies we will be really close xx
With Evie i waited until after my 12week scan to tell everyone, but that was us being cautious as we suffered a miscarriage the month before.

This time all our family knew about the pregnancy by the time i was 6 weeks.

I'd say do what you feel most comfortable with. telling people early means not having to make excuses for things. Or telling people later means not having to worry about telling everyone if something goes wrong, some pepole are just superstious like that.
Hey Gerb yes I agree we wil be close wont we!! I am 4 weeks 3 days what about you? xxx We should be buddies!!

Thanks for the advice everyone I dont know what to do!! I really want to tell people!! All the family have been waiting for this moment! We have been together for 11 years and married for one in October!!!

I will see what hubby says!!!
my last period started the 9th of august
we started trying on the 19th august- so i know that baby is 18days old at the most tho it works out about 4 weeks the proper way!!

well last time I only told my parents and my mother in law until I was 12 weeks when I told the world with a loud hailer- I told them early on because I knew I'd want their immediate support if anything went wrong. This time I have told them and three of my close friends who have kids the same age as Mel as I see them almost everyday, one of them is pregnant too and they are around during the day just in case I need someone to have Mel in an emergency. I am bursting to tell others but I think I will try my best to wait until 12 weeks although it's my birthday on the 22nd and I want to go to a new karaoke bar that has just opened and I would have thought that not drinking then would be a dead giveaway! Can you pretend that you're on antibiotics or something?

I told the people I knew would be supportive either way the day I found out. By about a week later I had told most others too!!!

I figure if you want to tell people then tell them - you can always say it's early days and that you're still unsure whether it will work out. But at least they will be there for you through the first 12 week worry period.

You won't jinx anything, you can't - it doesn't hurt bub to have told people. :cheer:
I just don't want my very elderly Nan to know until the odds of everything going well are a bit better as she's 94 and would be really delighted and I don't want to shake her if I can help it. My sis-in-law is very insensitive and has a loud mouth so I would rather she didn't know until I was further along because the moment she finds out people will be stopping me in shops- no kidding! I guess it totally depends on what you fell you want and what your family and friends are like

i told my mum first about 8weeks think cause i had a miscarriage in dec 05.

couldnt tell my dad he had to guess on msn lol but he knew what i was trying to say tho. unless that was the first time round lol dunno will ask him tomorrow how i told him to get this story right. anyway come 25th dec last year 06 my motehr in law to be kept offering me alcohol and i refused many times. she wanted to know why i didnt want any and i was getting stressed about it and she was doing my head in so my oh told her and she was happy and then she knew why i refused drink :)
I told my OH's sister the same day I found out, same with his mum :lol:
Thanks everyone I think I am going to tell my Sister and her hubby and me Neice tonight! I am so excited but I will leave it at that for now I think!!!!!

Thanks everyone xxxx
well i couldnt really hide it from my mum as she came to the doctors with me when i hadnt had a period for 8 weeks after the miscarriage and she did a test and i found out then.. then it spread like wild fire! mums! :roll:

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