When did you start your babies on baby rice ??


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2006
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Grace is going through a real growth spurt and is feeding non-stop - when I was having a blood test this week, the nurse was asking about Grace as she was with me and I said about her always munching and she said to start her on baby rice... she has 3 kids and they started at 8 weeks, 10 weeks and 11 weeks............

When I mention this to the HV she said to wait until Grace was 6 months old .................

I am quite happy BF Grace and it isn't a problem feeding her all the time, but I wonder if she would feel happier having some rice milk to fill her wee tummy ???

What does everyone else think ?
when did your LO start on baby rice?
They reccomend not weaning until 6months. I personally started at 4 months. I do know people who have started earlier.
i started at 4 months but im goin to wait until 6 months with this one if possible
I got told by my HV yesterday to start Dan on baby rice now. He's been a little bit under weight (on the graph) for about 4 weeks now. Got all the stuff today so going to start tomorrow. He's exactly 20 weeks old today.
i started damon about 4 months and he took to it right away
I'm hoping we can get to 6 months before introducing solid food. The latest gov guidelines state that there is no benefit in introducing solids before 6 months http://www.breastfeeding.nhs.uk/en/docs/FINAL_QA.pdf It is so confusing that we are all given such differing advice..... I also want to hold off solids to avoid allergy as solids added too early can trigger it. If you're happy breast-feeding then I personally would stick with it!
I tried Jess at 12 weeks but she didn't take to it so we tried again at 18 weeks and she was fine.
Aimee started at 16 weeks, she hardly ate at all and wouldn't drink her milk anyway so it was the only way to get some food in her.
Nathan is almost 16 weeks and I haven't tried him yet but I definatly won't be waiting till 6 months. I'll probally try him at 17 weeks. Hes a really big baby but seems quite satisfied with his milk at the minute.
I tried Jake with some baby rice at about 4 months and he took it but then I decided that he didn't actually need it and must have been having a growth spurt. I started weaning him properly a few weeks ago at around 5 1/2 months. It is up to you but personally I think you should wait until she is atleast 4 months old.
5 & a bit months and still just on milk (apart from the odd bit of frozen pear for her gums).

im waiting for her to tell me when she is ready :)
Ruby is feeding more and I am wondering when to start her, but she seems happy enough, is sleeping 11pm-7am so I am going to wait until she shows signs.....

Got some bowls and spoons etc today to put away, but I reckon it will be a few weeks yet...

She has taken a massive intrest in me and OH eating lately too, she stares at us and her head follows food rom plate to our mouths!! Its sort of making me feel guilty!! :rotfl:
Rubys mummy said:
She has taken a massive intrest in me and OH eating lately too, she stares at us and her head follows food rom plate to our mouths!! Its sort of making me feel guilty!! :rotfl:

god we get that, and adam holds his food out to her to see what she will do. he was eating an apple the other day and offered it to her. I come back in to find alice holding the apple and having a good old suck on it :roll:

she is almost ready, but im going to try and hold her off a few more weeks.
my mum put me on baby rice at 2weeks old
im going to wait until emily is 4months, i dont think she'll make it to 6months

ive read that early weaning is linked to asthma and excema
Charlotte & Emily said:
ive read that early weaning is linked to asthma and excema

My HV was going on about crohn's disease being linked the other day :think:
It's because the gut is apparently too immature for solids before 6 months. Thats why at 6 months all the sitting up, grasping, pincer holding etc comes together as they are developmental strategies aimed at self feeding, when the gut is ready for it. Clever really lol.
Thats is good to hear. Ellie was sitting completely unaided at 5months and 2 days. She was sitting with very little support at 4months which is when I started her on solids.
People kept telling me to give Thea baby rice from her being about 3 months old. She had her first soilds at almost 6 months. I really do think we wean to early as a rule.
Sam&Alice said:
[quote="Rubys mummy":376l4505]

She has taken a massive intrest in me and OH eating lately too, she stares at us and her head follows food rom plate to our mouths!! Its sort of making me feel guilty!! :rotfl:

god we get that, and adam holds his food out to her to see what she will do. he was eating an apple the other day and offered it to her. I come back in to find alice holding the apple and having a good old suck on it :roll:

she is almost ready, but im going to try and hold her off a few more weeks.[/quote:376l4505]

luke looks at us longingly when we eat as well and moves his mouth as if he is eating it also. its so funny. gary put a bit of chocolate on his finger the other day and luke licked it off, i also came home the other day to gary letting luke lick his penguin he couldn't lick it fast enough!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: it was hilarious i do realise that this is not a good idea!! good job he hasn't got teeth yet!! :wall:
rusks said:
luke looks at us longingly when we eat as well and moves his mouth as if he is eating it also. its so funny. gary put a bit of chocolate on his finger the other day and luke licked it off, i also came home the other day to gary letting luke lick his penguin he couldn't lick it fast enough!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: it was hilarious i do realise that this is not a good idea!! good job he hasn't got teeth yet!! :wall:

Shouldnt laugh, but :rotfl: :rotfl: Bless, I can just see his litle toungue going like the clappers :rotfl: :rotfl:

Ruby even watches me drinking a cuppa now, its really funny!!
i started weaning bethany and josh both at 12wks because they were hungry babies

finleys 15wks now and im just starting to give him some as he has started waking up through the night after sleeping through and drinking lots more milk.

personally think the 6mth guideline is a bit silly, it was fine 4yrs ago to wean from 4mths, and all the baby foods still say 4mths!!

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