When did you recieve your scan date? *update*


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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I'm still waiting for my 20 week scan date. They said it would be in the post with my consultant appointment but I still haven't recieved it yet. How far along were you when you got your date in the post?
I got mine about 2 weeks before.

My MW was away for 2 weeks so I phoned the hospital and booked it myself :lol: They were fine I did so and said they would send a letter with the date in the next couple of weeks (I was 16 weeks at the time). Arrived just after I got to 18 weeks, scan for something like 20+3 iirc.
I got mine when I went for my 12 week scan at 13 weeks (it was originally supopsed to be at 16 weeks but I was admitted to hospital so they did a scan then)

Reason why I got given it then was cos the midwife was horrified that my 12 week scan was ot be when I was 16 weeks and didn't want me to have the same thing with my 20 week scan.

Call the midwife and see what she says
my docter booked mine and i got the letter when i was about 12 weeks. Even being that early it is still booked for 21 + 3.

I got mine at my 12 week scan ( which was actually last week.....) Our hospital just like you to make it while your there and fill i in your maternity notes.
I got mine about a week and a half after the 12 week scan so 7 weeks before the 20 week one, I'd give the hospital a call to chase it up??x
As my 12 weeks scan ended up being at 18 weeks the hospital booked me in on the day of my scan.

I chased and chased for my 12 week scan, the scan lady said she thinks I was forgotten!! Charming!!! :shakehead:
its strange they make you wait, my scans were all booked after the last one was finished. mine is april 7th.
I got mine booked at my 12 week scan (well, 11+3!)

If you are concerned, call the scanning department to push it along. I'm sure it'll come :D Can't wait for the pics!

millylillyrose said:
its strange they make you wait, my scans were all booked after the last one was finished. mine is april 7th.

Oh cool milllylillyrose your 20 week scan is the same day as mine!! will you find out sex??xx
I got my scan as I left from the 12 week one... they made it there and then so maybe it depends on the hospital?
MissSara said:
I got mine at my 12 week scan ( which was actually last week.....) Our hospital just like you to make it while your there and fill i in your maternity notes.

Same. (Although not last week!!) Can't believe it is only 5 weeks away and then I will be half way through. :shock:
Well I took your advice and chased it up. Phoned my midwife who gave me a number to ring which said they didn't have a date for me yet but the antenatal clinic should have it so got another number. After ringing about 10 times with no one picking up I finally got through and the lady said she was sending it out today but it's on the 11th March at 2pm :cheer: Think I will be just over 20 weeks so I'm now excited and scared :lol:
:cheer: Will you be finding out the sex? I'm finding out today with my Amnio result's.
I'm hoping baby won't be shy and we can't find out, I'm too impatient to wait! Awww that's so exciting! :cheer:
My mum is really excited to find out, but I'm trying not to get too excited just incase.
I know what you mean hun, it must be so hard to be in that position. I'm really hoping that everything is fine :hug: :hug: :hug:

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