When did you hear from the midwife?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2007
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As above:

1: how pg were you when you first heard from your midwife? And how did you hear - phone or letter?

2: how pg were you when you had the first appt?

I'm 10 weeks tomorrow and still haven't heard... getting a bit concerned, especially as this coming week is the last before Christmas. My doctor filled in the forms and sent them off a while ago.

I had an emergency scan at 7+0, and a scheduled early reassurance scan at 8+3 (organised by my doctor as soon as I was pg, because this is straight after a m/c with no AF). After the 8w scan, the hospital automatically booked me in for my 12w scan (at 13+5, they were already fully booked up until then and I got the last appt before 14w).

I'm wondering if I should call my doctor and ask him to chase the midwife - I don't know when you normally hear by though, so your responses would be v helpful.

Hi there,

I booked my own midwife appointment directly through the doctor's surgery as soon as I saw my GP at 5 weeks. My appointment wasn't until 10 weeks (just the other day, actually).

I had some blood tests though through my GP at 6 weeks to test for HIV, Rubella immunity, iron levels etc. Have you had those? In my opinion those are more important since when I saw my midwife last week it was a bit disappointing. She just filled out some forms on family history, which I am to carry around with me, and that was it. She didn't try to find the heartbeat, test my hormone levels or anything. A bit of an anticlimax as I was really expecting to feel "more pregnant" after that visit. At the moment i just feel sick!

If I were you, I would chase things up with your GP but don't panic. As long as you have had a scans and things look good I can't see what the first midwife appointment really adds.
chaya5738 said:
Hi there,

I booked my own midwife appointment directly through the doctor's surgery as soon as I saw my GP at 5 weeks. My appointment wasn't until 10 weeks (just the other day, actually). .

I was the same - saw my GP at 5 weeks, booked in at my surgery and I will be seeing MW when I am 11 weeks.
I saw my GP on Thursday and he filled in the midwifery referral for me - he said I should hear from them within a couple of weeks (but as that is xmas week I somehow doubt it :lol: )

Can you call and chase it up? I work in the NHS and trust me, referrals do go missing!
I saw my MW for the 1st time at 15 weeks......... :D

It was my own fault though as was living outside of the UK when I first fell pregnant (I came back to the UK at 12 weeks for my 1st scan, although didnt see the MW but they booked the scan for me).

All that said we did the usual booking in app, and she took bloods at the same , and after that my next scheduled app wasnt until I hit 25 weeks.......!!!!

Unless you are having any issues then it can differ, but believe in our area you normally have your 1st app between 8 and 10 weeks.
I got a letter through the post yesterday for 13th Jan, i will be 9 weeks by then :D
Saw GP at 5 +3 and got my letter from midwife yesterday which is 8 +0. Appointment is on Dec 29th which makes me 10 +2 and scan is on Jan 14th which is 10 +4.
My GP gave me the midwife's number to contact her directly myself when I went to see her (the GP) at 6 weeks. I rang her about a week later, and saw her at 7+6. As far as I understand, they aim to see you by 10 weeks at the latest, but my booking appointment was just lots of questions - I didn't have bloods or urine samples taken until I went for my dating scan, and every HA is slightly different. I'd probably ring and chase them though!
I found out I was pregnant at about 5 weeks. I saw my GP who told me to make an appointment at the reception desk for a midwife appointment. First appointment they had was between xmas and new year when I was away so they left a message for midwife to ring me and squeeze me in sooner than the new year - apparently you're supposed to be seen by 10 weeks.

Midwife called a couple of days later and has squeezed me in her appointments with my first appt being tomorrow (8w4).

I had an early scan at 7w6 though as I've had some bleeding - everything is well but they've given me a letter to pass to the midwife explaining what was seen in the scan (which I opened to see what they'd written!).
i booked in with the midwife when i was 6 weeks(well i thought i was turns out i was 8 weeks) and she came to see me when i was 11 weeks
thanks everyone.

Well, I phoned the GP surgery this morning - they were surprised I hadn't heard. They gave me a number for the midwifery team, so I called that - the midwife who answered kept asking if I was sure I was 10 weeks, because I should have been seen before 10 weeks :roll: Yeah, thanks for that... why did she think I was calling? Anyway, she said they had no record of me, and no letter from my GP. So I phoned up the surgery again. And then at 2pm, this morning's(!) post finally arrived, and guess what, there was an appointment letter - at the centre which had no record of me and no letter from my GP. So I then phoned them back... and spoke to the same woman who said "oh yes, I can see your name on that day" :doh: :wall: :wall: :wall:

I'll be seen a week today, at 11 weeks. So that's fine. The main thing is that I'm seen before the scan - we get triple blood tests here, and we're supposed to have them explained to us and sign consent/agreement forms to say we know what's happening BEFORE the 11-14wk scan and bloods. I'm not particularly fussed about the appt itself, but I don't want to turn up for the scan only to be told we can't have it because the right forms haven't been filled in - especially as my scan is fixed for 13+5!

As for initial blood tests, I had that done back in July. Since my LMP is technically June (m/c in October, then pg immediately), my doc said he saw no point in repeating the tests.
i think i was around 9 weeks when i saw the midwife when i was preg with Thomas and she rang me to see if i was free that day

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