When did you get regular movements?


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2007
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I'm talking like feeling baby kick every day and more than once a day?

This is my third baby, and so far I'm getting just the very odd movement here and there. I can go days without feeling anything, then I may get a kick or two, and then that will be it for another few days.

It worries me slightly, cause with my boys i felt them a lot sooner and more often.
I couldnt tell you exactly but i'm pretty sure that by 20 weeks she was moving everyday, and certainly by 24 weeks she had a regular pattern of movement and i worried i'd not felt her move by a certain time.

She could be kicking your placenta? Or maybe you just have a lazy girl? Your others were boys so maybe your going against old wives tales and having a laid back girly
Mine have been more regular, like once a day at least without fail for two to three weeks now. Before that I could go a day without feeling anything, but normally longer than a day.

I feel them ALL the time now, which is great, but try not to worry. Maybe there's a good reason for it, anterior placenta maybe?
yeah i guess it could be the placenta, i hadn't thought of that. i have my 20 week scan a week on friday, so ill find out where the placenta is then.
I remember posting about this when I was pregnant with Jack. I remember asking my midwife and she said feeling regular movements on a daily basis can be as late as 26 weeks so try not to worry :hug:
I was the same with this one, but from late 21wks she just started and now is very active everyday :lol: I have a front lying placenta which explains why I felt very little earlier on, but as she's growing she's getting more noticeable :hug:
I felt flutterings at 14.5 weeks and stronger movements at 16.5 weeks. Since then I've felt lots of movement, usually all day, less so evening and very quiet over night.

Exactly the same as my last - another reason for me to think it's a boy :D

Ditto what the others have said, enquire about the position of the placenta :hug:
i was worried 4 weeks ago as i wasnt really feeling a whole load but my placenta is in the way so even now bubs doesnt have a regular pattern that im aware of as i cant feel it as easily.
I was going to ask the same thing today too. I felt the baby move on Sunday and on Monday but then yesterday nothing!!!

I didn't know if once it started you were meant to feel it every day or not but at least I know now it's not always regular at first.
I've felt little movements for a good few weeks now but only become properly regular in the last 2 weeks.
been feeling regular movements for the last few days that i can kinda work out babies sleep awake routine now but have been feeling movements since quite early on. I read somewhere that if ya placenta is lying at back of uterus then you likely to feel more and earlier where as if it at front of uterus you will feel less and later. Goodluck for the scan on friday lovely x x x
after reading your post i went and checked my notes from the 3 NHS scans iv had and my placenta in described as "ANT" im guessing this is anterior! however its also low lying.

i feel a lot of kicks and movement on my right hand side during the day and at night so im thinking my placenta is sheilding the kicks from the left side :think: maybe your placenta is anterior therefore not feeling movement all the time even though movement is happeneing
i felt a few kicks last night when i was led on my stomach, must have been squashing her lol

nothing at all today though
its hard to say what you should be feeling as everyone is so different.
I started feeling little flutters but not regular from about 16 weeks, and then proper movements by about 18 weeks.
now baby just beats me up ALL day. so much for learning its rutine...lol there are very few quiet moments.

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