when can i get pregnant again??


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2014
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I had a missed misscariage last month.. Went for my 12 week scan baby stoppes growing at 9 :( had a natural mc.. and stopped bleeding on 1/06/14.. When can i start trying? Or when will i ovulate again?
Im sorry for your loss!! As soon as you feel ready to try again I would go for it unless you have had specific advice not to from a dr. Take time to grieve and spend time with your oh!
I fell pregnant 1 week after suffering a miscarriage. If you feel you are truly ready to try again then go for it Hun x
My doctor said wait till after my period but i really dont want to wait! I just want to get pregnant staight away! Is that normal? I have read oher stories about people getting pregnant straght away too and i just hope that i will.. How long did it take for you to test positive after you got pregnant again? Xx thank you
About 4 weeks after i had the mc i started feeling sick again so my other half made me do a test as i thought nothing of it. It came up positive straight away x
My doctor told us to wait too, but my husband and I have not used contraception for so long that it seemed weird. I also read that conceiving straight away after a miscarriage can lead to a healthier pregnancy. I don't know if that is true, or internet twaddle, but it seems worth a try.
Thank you all for ur replies! Heavier bleeding now so pretty sure I've a long wait till next month.. Hate that pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms are so similar! Feel a bit sick but I suppose it's just a bug or something :( xx
My dr also recommended to wait until I'd had a period. Her reason was so I'd have an idea of my cycles so of I was lucky enough to get pregnant again I would know my dates were right.x
You can always do OPKs if knowing the dates is the only reason to wait.
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I know I have read so many different things saying wait or not or wait! Think I'm just going to try and if it happens it happens! Even though I am getting so frustrated! Does anyone know anything about recording basal body temp? I'd like to do that if it helps! My temperature atm is up and down was so cold for two days now I'm roasting don't know if that has anything to do with it xx
I know you are supposed to take it at the same time every day, usually the morning before you get out of bed.

Firstly, so sorry to hear of your loss. I went through the same thing in May and my midwife assured me its fine to TTC straight away without waiting. I used an opk which showed a positive 2 weeks ago. But unfortunaty AF arrived yesterday so looks like I missed that one.
I also read that the few months after a mc are a highly fertile time. I'm not sure what evidence this is based on but fingers crossed its true!
Sorry about your loss :( A month feels like forever to wait... I got my af 4 days now very light bleeding so I'm going to use ovulation tests and hope for the best! I read that too and hope it's true .. I don't think there are any fertility problems. Because we only started trying in feb and got pregnant straight away!

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