Whats your religion?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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I was thinking earlier that the only common ground we all have on here is babies/children, but we still all get along great regardless of backgrounds, cultures, religions etc, so I thought it might be interesting to talk about these things.

Lets prove that people can talk about thier religious beliefs without disrespecting other peoples!

If ive missed any off the poll please forgive me, ive tried to remember as many as possible lol

Im a spiritualist witch. :shock:
I'm officially a catholic, got married in a prozzie church though.

I don't really believe in ''religion'', I think its got alot to answer for! Don't get me wrong, if people want to believe in something, then thats up to them I totally respect that. Its just a shame people can't just respect one another and ot use it as an excuse to hurt people.

I'm more of a believer in reincarnation and spirits (I've seen them). GGG are you a spiritulist that connects with the afterlife?
aetheist, i jus cant accept the bible even tho my mum sent me to a catholic convent school lol

religion doesnt bother me, i dont judge anyone by it?
Hey feefee, glad to meet a fellow pagan!!

Grace, I believe in re-incarnation and spirits very strongly, but im not the type of spirtualist who connects with the afterlife, if someone from "the other side" started talking to me id probably join them after dying of a heartattack lol! I work with the spirit inside, through tarot, magic and mediation, and with the spirit in other people through the same means.

That's really cool, I've recently done my Reiki 1 which was really interesting! but I have problems with all kinds of stuff running through my mind and can't consentrate. I've started meditating and it has helped but you wouldn't believe what pops into my brain at times! :shock: I'm weird!
Grace said:

That's really cool, I've recently done my Reiki 1 which was really interesting! but I have problems with all kinds of stuff running through my mind and can't consentrate. I've started meditating and it has helped but you wouldn't believe what pops into my brain at times! :shock: I'm weird!

lol I probably would believe it!

wow you done reiki 1, im jealous! Ive had many sessions - its amazing - but always wanted to do it myself, one of those things on the ever growing backburner!
i suppose i'm a spiritualist in an organised sense as my mother and gradmother were...personally i love the idea of buddism, where the basis of all teaching is compassion.

I also like the way it doesnt give you a definate list of can'ts and can do's but more guidance on how your behaviour will effect others. I also like the idea of reincarnation that gives people a second chance to reform in their following lives as opposed to the fire and damnation route.

Generally tho, i believe in 'something'

I respect Pagainism as it's the only religion that recognises and focuses on the importance of earth and nature in its teachings
Reiki was really good, I defo recemend it. My Reflexology teacher is a Reiki Master, that'a how I got into it. I not give anybody any treatments yet (apart from when I was training) but I'm hoping to have my first victim soon, (probably DH) My DH calls me the white witch, he doesn't really get it all yet.

I'm defo thinking along them same lines as you sparky, I think i'm a mixture of both. I've never really thought about it though. :doh:

You've defo got me thinking GGG. :think:
I dont think you should be too worried about defining your beliefs into one pidgeon hole Grace, ive been what I am since as long as I can remember but ive never found a definitive name for it lol, I just believe what I believe, do what I do, am what I am.
Agnostic :?

Yes, I KNOW it's supposed to be a temporary state and I'm theologically 'hedging my bets' as it were but I don't feel life has put me in a position to decide just yet. :?

EDITED to add I'm really interested in humanism as a belief system which most seems to fit what sounds 'right' to me, but elements of paganism and Christianity appeal too.
Minxy said:
Agnostic :?

Yes, I KNOW it's supposed to be a temporary state and I'm theologically 'hedging my bets' as it were but I don't feel life has put me in a position to decide just yet. :?

Nothing wrong with that, my OH is Agnostic and I find him wonderfully open minded, and because he is always questioning and not making his mind up, we have some amazing conversations! its one of the strong points in our relationship![/i]
lozzijane said:
my religion is cadburys :cheer:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm going to ask an utterly STUPID question (blame my being blonde and pregnant on this, I'm otherwise usually 'fairly' intelligent!!!) but when some of you say Pagen, what exactly is that a belief in or following of? :oops: Sorry told you it was a stupid question. If it's a long answer please PM me I don't want to hijack a thread.

For me raised Church of England, converted to Catholicism in 2002 and now questioning parts of that too. As others have said I respect religions and different views/believes etc but also think it has a lot to answer for in the world, wars, crimes, murders, bombings etc because it's done in a religious name? Give me a break!! Religion is supposed to teach nice things, love etc, not hatred and war! Just my opinion!!
I looked it up..... :D

Paganism (from Latin paganus, meaning "a country dweller" or "civilian") is a term which, from a western perspective, has come to connote a broad set of spiritual or religious beliefs and practices of natural or polytheistic religions. The term can be defined broadly, to encompass many or most of the faith traditions outside the Abrahamic monotheistic group of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. This group may include some of the Dharmic religions, which incorporate seemingly pagan characteristics like nature-veneration, icon-veneration, polytheism and reverence of female deities, and are thus diametrically opposite to the Abrahamic faiths. Ethnologists avoid the term "paganism", with its uncertain and varied meanings, in referring to traditional or historic faiths, preferring more precise categories such as shamanism, polytheism, or animism. The term is also used to describe earth-based Native American religions and mythologies, though few Native Americans call themselves or their cultures "pagan". Historically, the term "pagan" has usually had pejorative connotations among westerners, comparable to heathen, infidel, and mushrik and kafir (كافر) in Islam. In modern times, though, the words "pagan" or "paganism" have become widely and openly used by some practitioners of certain spiritual paths outside the Abrahamic and Dharmic religious mainstream to describe their beliefs, practices, and organized movements
Nicola said:
lozzijane said:
my religion is cadburys :cheer:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I'm going to ask an utterly STUPID question (blame my being blonde and pregnant on this, I'm otherwise usually 'fairly' intelligent!!!) but when some of you say Pagen, what exactly is that a belief in or following of? :oops: Sorry told you it was a stupid question. If it's a long answer please PM me I don't want to hijack a thread.

For me raised Church of England, converted to Catholicism in 2002 and now questioning parts of that too. As others have said I respect religions and different views/believes etc but also think it has a lot to answer for in the world, wars, crimes, murders, bombings etc because it's done in a religious name? Give me a break!! Religion is supposed to teach nice things, love etc, not hatred and war! Just my opinion!!

Totally agree with that last statement there!

I'll give you the basics on paganism, like any religion it isnt easily explained so if you want to know more please pm me :D

Pagans these days are completely different to ancient pagans - for one we dont sacrifice living things and have wild orgies (well not all of us anyway lol), and some people call us Neo-Pagans.

Pagnism is now used widely as an umbrella term for any nature based religion, ie druidism, shamanism, wicca, or someone who doesnt really fit any particular path but does view nature as some would God, and celebrates the cycles - Sabbatts, Solstice etc.

It really is a cloudy subject, but if you want to know more theres loads of interesting sites out there (theres also loads of rubbish on the subject, a minefield for the beginner!) and I'll pm you some good links if you like.
I'd had to say Agnostic if I were to give myself a label.
I'm an agnostic with various leanings and I think I always will be to be honest. I do have very definite beliefs but they are unique to me in their combination if you see what I mean and I don't think that there are any absolute right answers anyway. That sounds wishy washy but I don't think I am- in my head it kind of works! A close friend of mine is a Muslim and she says that she likes to think of all religions being like the many paths that lead to the Taj Mahal, that you get the same place in the end. My dad has been a Buddhist since he was a teenager, my Nan is a Spiritualist in the traditional sense (communicating with spirits) my mum is kind of Christian with some Pagan leanings (especially when it comes to a female divinity) and my OH used to be Christian but is now an enthusiastic atheist!

Grace- I've done my Reiki 1 too- a couple of years ago now. I've not used it much outside of my training and the monthly group that I sometimes manage to get to at my Reiki master's house. My dad has done Reiki 1 as well so we have given each other Reiki but of course he is going at it from a very Buddhist angle. My OH let me do him once but even though he became incredibly relaxed and slept better than he had done for years he was still very skeptical! When we had pet rats (alas we have none left now) some rats would take it and some would shrug my hands off like they were having none of it! When I was pregnant with Elliott I used to try and offer him Reiki but he always kicked as if to say "oi, no" so I didn't send it his way directly (but treating myself meant him too I guess!). Funnily enough he still doesn't like it. If I try to give him Reiki when he's upset or especially overtired he always bats my hand away as soon as I think of it so he's obviously like his Dad and not receptive so I respect that! It was absolutely fabulous for calming myself in the hospital after I'd given birth though and for the first few weeks.


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