whats your favourite animal?


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2006
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Mine is defintely elephants, they are so graceful and affectionate to eachother, they seem to have a deeper understanding of the world around them and life and death than other animals.

I'll happily spend all day wathcing wildlife programmes about elephants (we watched the borneo pigmy elephants doc lastnight hence why I thought of this post lol) and my dream is to see them in their natural habitat one day.

So whats you favourite animal and why?
I dont really have a favorite.... growing up on a farm has made me love all animals

The only one I dont like is snakes, and that has something to do with me being in Primary 1 at school at the school snake going missing and it was found wrapped round my chair leg!! :shock: I just about pooped my pants!!
I definately agree GGG, elephants are amazing gotta be a favourite. I find it so heart wrenching that they walk for miles and miles to the elephant graveyards to die...

I also love my 2 pussy cats tho, cant leave those out hehe :lol:
hell yeah cats rock! Im a massive cat lover, massive animal lover actually, but theres just something very spiritual and unique about elephants! :D
kirlykird said:
elephants too...gorillas are my second fave :)

probably the same here actually! I love Gorillas sense of humour and playfulness, but then they can be dead mean and moody too, just like us lol, with the most amazing mannerisms and expressions.
Dogs, dogs and more dogs. I love dogs to bits, any breed, shape or size. I think they are brilliant.
I love owls. Think they look strange but really sweet.
I adore dogs and would have a house full if I could, but unfortunately I live in a little bungalow and I already have a dog and 2 cats. I really love cheetahs though, I don't know why, they is something almost regal about them.

Elephants: I saw this docu once where this old elephant had rested down to die and these lions were literally eating its back end while it was still alive. Another elephant came over and they held trunks. It was so touching :cry:
Elephants are my favourite too, I have ornaments of them all over our house :oops: I just find them so beautiful and graceful, and I have been lucky enough to see them in their natural habitat in Africa, and we went to an Elephant sanctuary in Thailand on our honeymoon, it was amazing.
I also love chinchillas and have two of them, they are so cute :D
Tigers are my absolute fave followed very closely by elephants and leopards. I also want to go to Canada to see the bears, I love wild animals and love to see them in their natural habitats :)
glitzyglamgirl said:
Mine is defintely elephants, they are so graceful and affectionate to eachother, they seem to have a deeper understanding of the world around them and life and death than other animals.

I'll happily spend all day wathcing wildlife programmes about elephants (we watched the borneo pigmy elephants doc lastnight hence why I thought of this post lol) and my dream is to see them in their natural habitat one day.

So whats you favourite animal and why?
i like giraffes coz they are so strange looking with thier long necks and little bodies - i love to see them drinking from the ground! it looks so funny

here are some piccys
http://images.google.co.uk/images?svnum ... s+drinking
I tend to like all things cat like - they are so elegant. I do have 2 pet goldfish that are more fun than people think :)

But my favourite animals are Hippo's - I suppose it's because they are fat and look so fun. Though I've heard they can be real mean... news to me... all the cuddly toy hippos I have are all smiling :lol:
man...endlessly facinating....irritatingly predictable

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