Whats this pain?


Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2006
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ive been getting this pain on and off all day, and the best way to describe it is like the baby is trying to " pull " the amniotic sac, its like an elastic band twanging at the top of my womb :( its really quite painful, feels like babys also trying to bash its way out

Oooooooooo sounds nasty :hug: No idea I'm sorry, but if it gets too bad, maybe call your MW, or labour ward? Hope it clears up :hug:
it makes me cringe, and i have to lift off my butt as its worse if theres pressure down below......

also baby seems to be moving LOADS and its getting quite painful as when he moves i get like a stabbing pain
Actually I might have had something similar, it was kind of at boob level lol, and felt like I had a tight band round there. Felt a bit worried, but I've only had it a couple of times. I'm getting odd aches and pains all over now to be fair lol, I'm sure you're the same :hug:

We went to a party on Sat night (so rare lol) and baby got it's foot or something wedged in my ribs in the car journey on the way down. It was soooo painful - was it that sort of stabbing pain you were talking about? Mind you I was really chuffed, because I did some breathing exercises and it totally took my mind off the pain, so there's hope...
it wasnt a pain in the ribs, but yeah i get what you mean.....

i think they were just really strong bh as its stopped now.

I get the feeling every little twinge now is gonna get me paranoid

and ive already had 2 youd think id know :rotfl:
Awwwwww :hug: :hug: :hug: I know what you mean about every little twinge.... I think strong BH mean that you're getting close to labour, so wooooo for you! Good luck petal, hopefully not too long now. Every labour is different. and all exciting, so don't worry that you can't remember :hug: :hug: :hug:
like i said to lee though, bh are the same as contractions from what i can remember, though proper contractions just get stronger, they start off about the same.

I still cant believe that in a maximum of 24 days this baby will be here :shock:

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