What's the weirdest baby name you've heard??

What are parents on? Tigger? :shock: spot the Pooh fan then eh! 8)
i no a lil girl called Dixie n i think its gorgous :D and a lil boy from seras old nursery was called Echo Braxton, another was called Azairah North and another was called Denver Fox. o ye and a girl in my class at school was called Romany Velvet which i love aswell lol
luv braiana x
I know a boy called Leaf. I actually quite like it for a boy.

I had Forest on my short list of boys names!!

What about Clamydia as a girls name!!!
omg minikins thats terrible! poor soul
and i thought 'pippa' was bad enough!! (means to f**k in so many languages its unbelievable :lol: )
I will never think of Pippa in the same way again now - LOL
A friend of mine had a neice called Sephy (short for Persephone) i love it but the Greek myth behind it would be a bit difficult for LO to explain in show and tell!
Friend wants to call her baby mybox (not sure of the spelling but thats how you say it) lol. obviously I thought she was joking, but she reasures me she isnt :?
A friend of mine had a neice called Sephy (short for Persephone) i love it but the Greek myth behind it would be a bit difficult for LO to explain in show and tell!
A girl I know wants to call her baby Persephone, but for short she will call her Percy (her last name will be Jones). She told me this when I was drunk, hope I didn't offend her with my laughing :oops: It seemed a lot worse after a couple glasses of wine :oops:
A girl I know wants to call her baby Persephone, but for short she will call her Percy (her last name will be Jones). She told me this when I was drunk, hope I didn't offend her with my laughing

Oh no that does sound rather funny - great if she grows up to attend Oxbridge and is a cool, pasmina wearing law student. But imagine comp? That's what i always think about cos i'm a teacher - i see too many of my kids picked on because their parents were so bloody inconsiderate.

I tried to cover all aspects with Jacob - Jakey when mini, Jake when medium, Jacob when large oh and JD (his initials) when he plays for the rugby team at uni. :lol:
urchin said:
I look after a boy called Zebedee at work :shock:

BOING ..... went Zebedee !!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

My second cousin is called Seth, I love the name and if I have a boy next we might have to pinch the name (just coz I love it so much!)

My middle name us Ryn, that's wierd, and my poor brothers first name is the same as his last name!! My parents are quite amusing :lol:
rosieroo said:
She told me this when I was drunk, hope I didn't offend her with my laughing :oops: It seemed a lot worse after a couple glasses of wine :oops:

pmsl!! :lol: :lol:
I went to primary school with twins called Moomanoo and Muppet.

I also had an Odin and Godwin in my class.
lou said:
I went to primary school with twins called Moomanoo and Muppet.

pmsl! Imagine if you grew up and wanted a job in which you had to be taken seriously- Judge Muppet.... lol!! It's just wrong!

There's a little girl in my Guide Unit called Pixie, when she was a Brownie I'm afraid I used to laugh when Brown Owl talked about her Brownie Pixie! She wasn't even in the Pixie Six either which caused no end of amusement. Poor kiddie!

My Grandad always maintained that he knew a girl called Holly Berry who married a Mr Leaf!

lauramum01 said:
hevwithbump said:
do you think "star" as a middle name is funny????

wasnt willow that used to post here's twin called star?

yeah willow wstill posts occasionally is busy with Bliss her twin sister is called star :D

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