Whats the chance...


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2008
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of me being able to have a home birth? I havent really thought about where I want to have the baby until today and after having a bad time in the day assessment unit at the hospital I really dont wanna have my baby in that place! I'm so angry I havent stopped blubbing since I left the place :evil:
I've got raised bp, I always have had, nothing to do with the pregnancy its just me! Anyway since finding this out I have had my own monitor at home which I use to check my bp on a regular basis. I saw my GP on Monday cos I have a chest infection and he said that my bp was up so I sould keep an eye on it, check it daily that sort of thing. The consultant I see at the local hospital has told me that if the lower number goes above 95 while on my meds I should ring in. Today I take my bp and its 93 (I've been averaging 80 on my monitor recently) so I waited 5 mins and took it again, it was 95, 5 mins later 98 and then half an hour later 100! So I rang the ward which is what I have been told to do and they say come in to DAU, they couldnt get hold of them cos they were at lunch so said to call again in half an hour...over an hour later I finally get hold of DAU and they firstly question who was I to say that my bp is high and then reluctantly say that I should go in to be checked. They didnt ask my name just my RLQ number! I get there and its ages before they let me in the ward. The woman didnt even look at me, she kept typing on the computer and said 'sit there' gesturing with her head to a chair. 'have you got your notes? urine?' (still hasnt made any attempt to look at me) so I get them out and some other women who I presume was a student took them from me. Ten minutes later the student took my bp it was 140/90, lower than when at home and less of a worry. The midwife who was still typing said 'there you go its fine, if you have any other symptoms then come back'. That was it! Having had high bp for some time I know that one reading is pretty useless but I was glad it was a bit lower, my problem was that they were so dismissive as though I was wasting their time, the fact that the midwife never looked at me and went on to tell me not to worry about checking my bp at home as that was why I had my appointments (once a month) with the consultant made me so angry! Sorry to go on but I was quite happy to have bubs in the hospital before, I had very few concerns about labour and was looking forward to it but now I really dont want to go back to the hospital just in case its a sullen b*tch like that who I have with me. I was definately an inconvieniance to them, they practically pushed me out the ward, I know that having hypertension means that my pregnancy isnt low risk but do you think there is any chance I can have a home birth, :pray: at this point I'm actually tempted by some of the freebirth ideas from that doc last week!
How frustrating for you! :hug: :wall: We have a receptionist like that at our local GPs. Grrr... They work in a service that is supposed to help people with their health, I bet your BP went up massively walking out of that room from the frustration! :lol:

Anyway, I don't know what the chances of homebirths are as I haven't even looked into them.

Hopefully, Sherlock will reply for you because she planned hers to the T and also discussed it in detail with her MW after she was told there could be a few obstacles but she managed it in the end.

Have you spoken to your MW about a homebirth?

Sorry you've had a stressful day :hug: xx
I always got the feeling that home births were allowed depending on risk but it may differ again depending on your local authority. The sooner you ask your midwife, the sooner you'll know, I guess :D

If they don't let you, perhaps there is a birthing centre near you that may be an option?
Righto :)

Homebirth is possible :) If your higher BP is something you've always had and not pre-eclampsia then it should be something you can do. Of course you will need to prepare for all eventualities and that you may have to be transferred to hospital in case of emergency or baby not descending down, but if you do your homework and have a decent MW I don't see why you can't at least try to deliver at home.

Have a read of this site as it explains about homebirth and the pros and cons.


As Danni said I was advised by the Doctors (registrars and consultant) to not have a homebirth for a number of reasons but decided to anyways and have a gorgeous baby boy who arrived after an 11 hour labour. Neither he nor I were ever distressefd in labour and we were both monitored at regular intervals by my MW.

It took some planning, reading up on and a strong will and positive approach but it was a wonderful experience and I'd opt for homebirth over hospital in a heartbeat if pregnancy has been good and I'm feeling fit and well. Its about knowing and trusting your own body and what it can do.

FWIW Doctors can only advise you to not have a homebirth. Its your choice what you do with their advice. If I were you I'd read up on things as in my experience Doctors will only give the doom and gloom side of things and ignore any of the positives even if there is only one negative to a homebirth. You need a tough skin to deal with them if its what you really want, but they cannot make you deliver in hospital or refuse you a homebirth if you choose to go with it.

Homebirths are not booked in before 36/37 weeks and if you go into labour before 37 weeks then its a hospital birth regardless. have a talk to your MW and hopefully she is up to speed on homebirths. If not then don't be put off, ask to be put in touch with whoever does deal with homebirths and have a talk with them :)

Feel free to drop me a PM anytime to chat about homebirthing. I'm happy to help.
Thank you girls, I feel much better about things this morning, I'm going to see the midwife on Monday so I'll discuss it with her and if that doesnt get me anywhere then I'll get pushy! I can be good at getting my own way! :)

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