whats going on!?


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2011
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i just dont know whats happened to marley! i feel like all i am doing is feeding him! the nights are terrible as he is up every 3 hours and drains 6oz bottles, he has porridge with a 5-6oz bottle when he gets up,then midmorning some pureed fruit, another bottle, aftetnoon snack bottle tea bottle supper bedtime bottle etc etc... ive changed him to c&g hungry baby but had no difference. he has about 7 or 8 bottles in 24 hours abd it says 5 on the box!!! he was weighed yesterday at 15lbs! is this normal?! im absolutely exhausted as i dont get more than 4 hours sleep in a row... ahhhhh
Growth spurt?? Isla is doing the same at 16 weeks, but I'm breastfeeding :( absolutely shattered xx
Growth spurt?? Isla is doing the same at 16 weeks, but I'm breastfeeding :( absolutely shattered xx

..thats what i thought.... but how long do growth spurts last?! this has been going on for about 4 weeks or so!!!! zzzzzzz e.x.h.a.u.s.t.e.d
Tegans also doing the same! back to getting up 3 times a night! Im mixed feeding and she'll have a 5oz bottle then have Boob 2 hours later! my hv reckons its a growth Spurt x
Sounds like a growth spurt but they don't last that long normally! Have you tried upping his bottles to see if he takes more?
Sounds like a growth spurt but they don't last that long normally! Have you tried upping his bottles to see if he takes more?

yeah i have! he was on 6oz a few weeks ago but was having 2oz here 4oz there, so i changed to 5oz and he drinks the lot, i upped to 6oz again and he wouldnt take a drop more than 5oz!!! i may try again tho!!! hope this doesnt last forever im so tired!!!!!
The big feeding could be due to growth spurt, I find growth spurts dont last long. The getting up at night we've through for 4 weeks but the last week he's so much better and last night slept for more than 7 hours solid! Dummy went in and he slept for another 3 hours. I reckon it's either a sleep regression they go through at 4 months or maybe teething. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the start of Drake sleeping through..I won't hold my breath though!
I forgot there's a sleep regression at 4 months. Won't make much difference to me though cos Charleys up every 3-4 hours anyway!
He did 8 hours Thursday night then went back to 4 hours last night!
ahhhh 8 hours...my idea of heaven!!! zzzz
That was def a 1 off! He's been doing 2-3hours since! I've been so grumpy today! Proper sleep deprived now :(

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