whats going on?!?! Random nightime wakings....


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
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Izzies onlt been sleeping through the night for about the last month, and now all of a sudden she's waking up at all hours and she SCREAMS for ages :wall: :cry: :cry: Its really getting me down. Me and OH were saying maybe its her teeth but she seems fine in the daytime and we give her a bit of calpol before bed. Well, it got so bad the last couple of nights that we ended up giving her a bottle :oops: I know we shouldnt have, but im seriously so tried. I dont mind her waking in the night, i can settle her no probs, but now when she wakes up shes so upset she's sort of hysterical, and calming her down is a job and a half as she cries so much... well i say cry...if it was only as cry i could live with it, but she's totally inconsolable and just screams and screams (and wakes the whole house up, bless her) Sometimes she does it once, other nights she's up 7 or 8 times.

Can babies have nightmares?? I know thats probably not, i just dont get the change in sleep habbit. Especially as Izzie just doesnt cry normally - and i mean never. Shes winges a bit but nothing like this. :( :cry: Its so upsetting.

Anyone else had this sort of problem?
Ella started crying in her sleep at about 6 months, a few times a night, but luckily she didn't wake up, so I would just have to check on her. Occasionally she would continue to cry until I went in and gave her the dummy and stroked her a bit, When I mentioned it to HV she said it was probably either wind or dreams, so yes they can dream that young.

Could it be that she is getting hungry? I don't blame you for giving her a bottle, if it calms her down.

Or too hot/too cold?

Or is she stirring and moving so that she is uncomfortable? Like rolling a bit, banging the bars etc.

Hope you get it sorted soon xx
James does this sometimes and I think its bad dreams. He whimpers in his sleep and sometimes shouts out or cries and then he will wake up looking terrified and screaming which takes ages to console him then. Hope little Izzie settles a bit better soon for you hun :hug: :hug:
Magic Monkey said:
Ella started crying in her sleep at about 6 months, a few times a night, but luckily she didn't wake up, so I would just have to check on her. Occasionally she would continue to cry until I went in and gave her the dummy and stroked her a bit, When I mentioned it to HV she said it was probably either wind or dreams, so yes they can dream that young.

Could it be that she is getting hungry? I don't blame you for giving her a bottle, if it calms her down.

Yeah , i was thinking it could be wind too, she's sometimes woken herself up trumping ,bless her, lol, but this seems worse :( It realy seems like somethings upset her :cry: I hope she's not getting hungry, we've only just got her to sleep through :sleep: It was just that a bottle was the only thing that calmed her down. We've had to stop that though as i dont want her relying on that too much! Im getting used to having sleep again now :cheer: :lol:

Tillytots said:
James does this sometimes and I think its bad dreams. He whimpers in his sleep and sometimes shouts out or cries and then he will wake up looking terrified and screaming which takes ages to console him then. Hope little Izzie settles a bit better soon for you hun :hug: :hug:

Yep, same as Izzie!! She really does seem terrifed :( What have they got to have bad dreams about?!?! Poor little mites. I might stick a couple of extra night lights in her room too :think: Im sure waking up screaming in the dark isnt helping.

Last night was slightly better anyway, she only did it a couple of times, so fingers crossed whatever it is is passing :pray: Its not just that its knackering, its more that it makes me really sad to see her in that state, and i just cant calm her down, and i can ALWAYS calm my baby down :cry:

Thanks for the replys ladies xxx :hug: :hug: :hug:

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