whats everybody up to today?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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kids are off nursery today and im waiting on Tesco coming to deliver my groceries then i need to pop into town to pay some bills, after that we are meeting up with Wobs & SC, Moo & Mini Moo at a softplay centre for birthday celebrations :dance:

whats everybody else planning for today?
Not alot :( I'm not well so even opening the laptop was a major struggle :cry:

Roll on 7 o clock when I can put the kids to bed and flop properly

I've still managed to do all the bedrooms, do 2 lots of dishes, and a load of washing and abit of tidying but think I'll not get much further than that today :(
Oh Mamafy :( :hug: hun. Hope you're feeling better soon.

terrie, hope you had fun with wobbs & sc :)

Well I finally reached my running goal of 1.5 miles in 14 minutes :yay: Works out as a 9min mile, and have been training for a long time for this. Which is a huge step for me with TA stuff which has been put on hold for weeks now. So I am tentatively thinking of going back to give me something to focus on. :oooo:
Sounds like everyone is having a productive day! Well done Tonks on your running, I cant wait to get back to the athletics club and run again with vigour once Im fit and able! Terrie I hope you had a great time at the soft play and Mamfy well done for doing all that stuff when you're not feeling well, :hug: to make you feel better.
I went to Monmouth today with my mum and Rosie and met up with my sister and her 7 month old Isabella. We had lunch in a tea room that is gorgeous, full of books and toys and big fat sofas! However, now I have a sinus headache that is making my feel lousy so Im on the sofa listening to the Tomliboos and watching Rosie :)
I'm having one of those can't be bothered days! All I've done is send the kids off to school, tidy up and make the beds. Attempted to pop in on my friend but she out. Came back to watch telly when I had a splitting headache and had to sleep it off lol got to go to work soon but that's only 2 hours. Pretty boring and lazy day!
I called into work this morning to say hi to everyone, I was naughty and painted the nursery. Only needs one more coat and the painting is done :yay: It was tough going at skirting board level and getting up and down the ladders but its looking good :) then i had a nap coz i was shattered. We visited Jacobs grandad coz its his 50th birthday today and now i waiting for my takeaway and chilling out.

Mamafy, you be taking it easy if your poorly missy. Well done on the 9min mile tonks and i hope you had a fab time today terrie xx
we had a fab time today :D Megan and Caitlin are soo grown up :cloud9: and the kids had fun playing!
I called into work this morning to say hi to everyone, I was naughty and painted the nursery. Only needs one more coat and the painting is done :yay: It was tough going at skirting board level and getting up and down the ladders but its looking good :) then i had a nap coz i was shattered. We visited Jacobs grandad coz its his 50th birthday today and now i waiting for my takeaway and chilling out.

Mamafy, you be taking it easy if your poorly missy. Well done on the 9min mile tonks and i hope you had a fab time today terrie xx

Naughty naughty Toon :shakehead: Feet up Mrs x
:cloud9: yeah :D

the kids were all great right up until we were about to leave when tiredness took over.. the cake Jacs made was yummy nom nom!!!

both kids lasted about an hour after we got home and then crashed asleep.. we were meant to go to see BIL but we decided to leave it and let the kiddies recover.. :D

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