Whats everybody up to this week?


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2007
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My OH is away so ive got the kids for the week.. i work 4 mornings whilst they are in nursery and then in the afternoons we do some fun stuff.

Today was painting, 2moro we're going to see my mum, weds theyre in nursery all day, thurs they have a playdate and friday daddy comes home so we'll be making welcome home banners etc etc :rofl:

whats everybody else up to this week?
TOday we went shopping and its my middle daughters 11th birthday today :yay:

Tomorrow will be housework day :doh:

Wednesday I might take the kids to the park if the weather holds up & Saturday the kids have friends over

Then not sure, I'm not a planner :lol:
That sounds like a fun week :)

Well im working lates this week 1-9pm which is a bit crappy. So my morning consist of Jeremy Kyle and drinkin brews with which ever of my friends call in lol.

Oooo actually i have the midwife 2 moz as well :) which is always good.

Just work really. Got the midswife on wednesday but i find the appointments more of a chore than a joy if i'm honest, i'm sick of having my blood drained :(

Basically my plan is to get through the week without knocking an annoying temp out at work and to do a whole week without having to be off sick or called out by my childminder lol.

Everyone elses plans sound so much better than mine :lol: xx
Tuesday - heart attack
Wednesday - half a heart attack ...hour session with Megan in nursery though
Thursday - heart attack
Friday - half a heart attack ...2 hours no parents session with Megan in nursery
Saturday - heart attack
Sun hair pulling by now day - heart attack

Well our plans are:
Tues: AJ at childminder all day
Wed: Mummy and Baby meet at museum then evening at the Theatre
Thurs: Swimming and see Grandma
Fri: Dancing Babies with my sister and Nephew/lunch/town
Sat: Go look at some cars - were after a new one.
Sun: Possible lay in for Mummy???? (Yeah right :rofl:) Lunch and nice family walk at the beach.

I'm off this week, can you tell? :lol: Busy, busy, busy!
i went john lewis today, and tescos this evening - ended up with 4 boxes of size 6 nappies, shit loads of milk and wipes, and forgot half the stuff i went in for :lol:

rest of the week, i'm going to just be getting things ready for katie next week, am trying to get hold of a portable dvd player, might just get a cheap one from tesco. i'm not much of a planner either really, girls are going to daddy's on sunday, so i'll be doing boring stuff probs then!!

oh and ella's got her jabs on weds, must remember that one!!
I'm working all over the place for the next three days. London tomorrow, Birmingham Weds and London again Thurs.

Friday - playing with Harrison - maybe feeding the ducks I think
Weekend...swimming with Daddy on Sat - he's away with work this week so that will be nice when he's back and Sunday, going to in-laws for lunch..

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