What would you recommend??

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Lovely Ladies, :wave:

Congrats on your BFPs!!

Sorry for gatecrashing, I'm just wondering what things you used if any to aid conception?

I'm using /doing the following-

- Baby Asprin
- Conceive Plus
- Folic Acid
- Opks
- BD everyother day up to OV and every day around OV and a couple of days after.
- Raise Bum with pillow after BD.

I guess I want to know if there was any of these things you would highly recommend or not to help me and all the other TTCers get a BFP.

Thanks in advance to all that reply! xxx
Hey maybe...I didn't do any of those things so I am completely unhelpful! But I didn't want to just ignore you. I know that people say that every other day for BD'ing is the best, but in my case and some of my friends, doing it all the flippin time is the way forward!!!

Sorry to be no help whatsoever!!!
Hiya Maybe,

Was on Sanatogen Mother To Be whilst I was still on the pill then after coming off and doing the deed stuck a pillow under my botty for a while and didn't get up for about half hour. Did use OPK's and started to BD even more around 5 days before OV and every day till then xx
I cant be much help either as we did none of those things except BD everyday. In about 6 weeks we only missed about 2 days! but it worked and was a good job as I ovulated 2 weeks late so would of missed it otherwise.
Admittedly a tactic I haven't tried!

1 Day til OV I think so every day til Thursday I think then!

Oooh there's another question, does everyone BD after OV?

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That all stopped now though lol can't keep my eyes open long enough to even focus on my OH lol poor bloke has given up now and who can blame him!

Signing off - THE HUSSY :)
:rotfl: Hopeful, I love it, it sounds like a superhero name!!!

I would say Maybe that just generally BD'ing all the time is a good option, as lots of people get late ov or something of the sort. Now I sound like I'm advocating BD'ing as a lifestyle...and I am!!!xx
Alas again the pot and kettle ummmm lol getting to be a habit Hussy 2 = Wishuponastar

And yes Maybe Hussy 2 does advocate BD'ing as a lifestyle, it worked for her lol

:) xx
I think your doing all you can maybebaby so keep it up! i never BD after OV as me and OH werent on speaking terms at the time :lol: it won't hurt though xxx
Ahh thanks Hun!

How are you feeling?? Are you excited now?

most important thing i always recommend is dont actuallly try to hard haha have fun that the most important thing xx
yup i used preseed but i've learnt best method is dont stress and have fun!
Im not going to be much help hun as the only thing i did off your list was take pregnicare(original) but i think it helps to be relaxed about it and not try to hard. Best of luck and lots of babydust :dust::dust::dust: x x x

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I took folic acid and used the pillow under my bum. Also stayed lying down for about 40 minutes each time. I had 5 sperm donations and fell pregnant in the first month. I think it's true what people say about not stressing. I hardly did any symptom spotting and didn't poas till I was 3 days late, I was totally convinced I was pregnant, made a decision to wait another year and then got my BFP lol. So I think it was meant to be! Good luck!!!! Lots of baby dust to you all!
Thanks Girls for all your replies!

I'm a bit worried now that I'm trying too hard, if I don't get a BFP this month I'll have a new 'no trying and relaxing' tactic next month!


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