what words cant you say?

tracey 2

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2006
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Im just sitting here thinking of words that people just cant say we had had many from me my mum was telling me,

i called sausages- doodages

and since i was little even now i cant say pins and needles, - i say nins and peedles i swap first two letters round i just cant say it togethjer weird or what! :lol:
Hmm I can say most words now, although it took me until I was about 22 to say the word 'Millenium', I could only say 'Minellium'!

I used to say Par Cark instead of car park when I was young. I think it is called a Spoonerism...when you mix the start of two words up.
it took me years to be able to say this properly
The village close to me had an amusement funfair and archade on the seafront

its called the SPANISH CITY
Guess what i used to call it :rotfl: i just couldnt pronunce CITY along with Spanish :oops:
I can't say phenomenon...it just comes out wrong.
any words beginning with 'str' (like string) I always say as shtr (shtring).

My DH can't say thief, it comes out as fieth.
When I was little animal was aminal, hospital was hostable and car park was par cark.

As an adult I can't say quite a few words because I'm tongue tied. Isaac is too but not as bad as me.

I really can't say manager, it hurts my mouth to say it :|
when I was little I used to say michaelwave instead of microwave, and dissis instead of slippers and siddish instead of richard (my brother) :rotfl:

Paris used to say hammerwich instead of sandwich :rotfl:
I can't say specifically or nuts and bolts (it comes out buts and nolts).

Geprge can't say Vanilla he says Valinna and Conservatory is Conservantory.
When I was little orange juice was ojuice and wasp was waps.

It took me until I was a teenager to say thoroughly. It used to be tho-la-ree!
I would say bisketti instead of spaghetti and nece-cellery instead of necesserily
ive always been ok with words (as far as i know) But when Beth was little she used to stand infront of the fridge shouting waht sounded like "GODZILLA!!!".......We finally figured out she was after a vanilla yogurt, lol :rotfl:
Chimney was always chimiley

And most recently instead of saying "cheese slice" I said "Sleeze Chice" :oops:
when i was little i used to say 'adbis' instead of 'adverts' and 'pinish' instead of 'finish'. :oops:

my little sis could never say 'pregnant' - it was 'pregmump' then 'pregmant' :rotfl:
I have real problems with speaking! I cant say squirrel it always comes sq-wirrel and I cant say Quarry at all I cant even try...I also used to say r's with w's like wabbits and wichard....but then my friends started picking up on it so I somehow managed to change it although i really have to think about r-words. :oops: and pronounce it through my teeth.
natalie&jake said:
I would say bisketti instead of spaghetti and nece-cellery instead of necesserily

Awwww - Maisy says this all the time - bless :rotfl:

Crocodile used to be crock-a-doggle

Octopus used to be Ock-o-pa-tus

Slug used to be Swug

awwwwww :D
Gingercubes said:
I have real problems with speaking! I cant say squirrel it always comes sq-wirrel and I cant say Quarry at all I cant even try...I also used to say r's with w's like wabbits and wichard....but then my friends started picking up on it so I somehow managed to change it although i really have to think about r-words. :oops: and pronounce it through my teeth.

Check the bit of skin that atatches your tongue to your mouth! I found out I was tongue tied about 10 years ago. My bit of skin is about a cm long. I can't even poke my tongue out properly, the bit of skin is so short. I can't say squirel either :) or holiday :?
lou said:
Check the bit of skin that atatches your tongue to your mouth! I found out I was tongue tied about 10 years ago. My bit of skin is about a cm long. I can't even poke my tongue out properly, the bit of skin is so short. I can't say squirel either :) or holiday :?

Hehe nooo no such explination for me hehee Im just a bit ermmm "special" haha.
thoroughly for me and there's another word but I can't remember it just now :lol:
i think there is one word i cant say but i cant remember what it is now. ill post back if i do remember.
my mum makes me lol she says "lickle bockle" (little bottle) and "sirtle" (circle)
bless! its so cute when people cant say stuff!

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