What we all upto today?

Slinky Sarah

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2007
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Well im at work till 12 then booked the afternoon and tomorrow off...Its boring in banking atm :lol: :lol: Feck all to do!!! COme on people spend ya money!!! :lol:

Im still getting over the holiday from hell, aka 4 days in Ostend and Bruges this last weekend. Was not what we expected and paid for and a total let down :( Come back with a dodgy tummy/mild food poisoning too :rotfl: Oh the joys.

Right now im sat doing feck all cos im not qualified yet so get to play on the net till possibly doing some filing at 11 then home at 12 :cheer: then of till NEXT MONDAY!!! :D

I love work lol, come in the morning and book a day and a half holiday lol.

SO what you all up to and how was your weekends? What i miss?
Becky has her last settling in day at nursery today and is there 9-5 :( Meanwhile I'm cleaning frantically (and on the forum while the floor dries... honest) so that we can all enjoy our holiday together.

OH finishes work at 12 so we might go to Pizza Hut for lunch :shhh:
Supposed to be working today but woke up and couldn't be bothered lol, i love being self employed :D so i am at home cleaning from top to bottom ready for the family to descend on us for christmas dinner. I am cleaning right now, honest!! I thought i would start with cleaning my laptop :rotfl:
I can't get too Christmasssy because the girls are still at school! After school today though we're going to a friends house for festive food and some Christmas spirit :wink: (read that as wine! :lol: )

Tonight I'll be wrapping pressies. Hope I'm not too squiffy :lol:
The cleaning of laptops and computers is essential...along with spending hours after checking the work has been competed correctly and everything is in working order :wink:

Mwahahahaha im giddy...an hour and a half (ish) left and its CHRISTMAS for me :D :cheer: :dance: :dance:

Sue, would i read that any other way? :wink: :rotfl:
I am sitting in my office being BORED senseless... I cannot think of anything else to do and i am stuck here until three oclock :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

im spending my morning on the internet trying to sort out going away to glasgow in february. according to travel supermarket the cheapest i can fly from norwich to glasgow is £1500 per person!!!!! flybe dont do any....grrr. this is annoying.

then this afternoon im going to my m/l to wrap some pressies for her. then me and OH have to go into town to get my mum a hat. and im sorting OHs replacement phone out and getting it registered. THEN, im at my mum and dads for tea.

tomorrow i am doing.....NOTHING!!!! If anyone wants me to do something...TOUGH! :lol:
Supposed to be doing a lot of things, iw wrapping presents and ironing which i will do and dont even want to think about the washing pile and cleaning that needs doing.
i 'tided' mine and OH's room yesterday.. into 'orderly' piles :wink: so actually properly tidying the bedroom today, then taking our current bed apart and putting our new one up.

OH finished work at 10 and is out with my mum at the moment getting my last xmas pressies :D
I want to go shopping... now comes the question, should i go to asda and matalan and the like today and town again tomororw (i have the week bus tickets) oir should i get mum to meet me in town today and do asda and matalan tomorrow....hmmmmm
Well we had a mega busy day yesterday and the kids were sooo good so the boy is rewarded with a day he allowed as much computer/wii/psp as he wants and DD get my attention as much as she demands, in between I have cleaning to do.

DS goes to MIL later so we are planning on a very late shop probs after midnight and :pray: the shelves have been stacked.
working until 2.30, yayy finishing early then going home to my sexy boyf and my gorgeous little girl :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: then we are off together until next monday :dance: :dance: :dance:
I'm busy, busy, busy :talkhand:

My tumble dryer has decided to go on the blink (again :wall: ) and I have a washing pile the size of Everest to do, I have cleaned the floors, dusted, been and got last minute prezzies, and there are still loads more things i need to do - like wrap Presents up :roll:

I'm just having a 5 minute break on here though!
Well we didn't get up til 11am! Had a bath now lazing around this afternoon. Then after tea i'll be going to my sisters as she has my nephew from now on.
was up nice and early as usual done pretty much nothing hoover the floors done some washing come on here gave willow a bath then in an hour gotta go food shopping :bored: then tomorrow i get paid my pittence and have to get my mum and dad a pressie each from willow and something for simon but no idea what and i also have to buy some wallpaper border for willows room hoping they have it in stock still :pray:
Looking after my poor baby who has a chest infection. He's really not well :(
Trying to get ready for xmas and tonight I have got to go to Tesco and do the dreaded shop!
Poor Dan :( really hope hes better soon must be horrible seeing your baby ill :(

Im home now and listening to Fall Out Boy's new album.
Off food shopping with mum and dad soon.
Put mum on my car insurance so that she an drive mine until hers is fixed or we find out whats wrong with it anyway.
Got my breakdown cover reduced by £2 per month for a renewal (lol)
Ill finish wrapping stuff tomrorow or something, really cba lol
Working but it's quiet so came on here. Just keeping the kids amused really, already done some washing and cleaning.
i've nearly got my bedroom back!

my washing is now all orderly in it's boxes (dark, whites and colours) got socks and underwear drying in my room.. hanging off the radiator.. wardrobe doors, chest of drawers and tights hanging from the curtain pole :lol: the bathroom is also full of clothes drying.

just need to put the last few bits on my bed away. then sort out mine and OH's bedside tables.

do the ironing. pair up all the socks and sort all the undies away.

UUUUUH. feed the animals.

then a bath me thinks :)
holly said:
i've nearly got my bedroom back!

my washing is now all orderly in it's boxes (dark, whites and colours) got socks and underwear drying in my room.. hanging off the radiator.. wardrobe doors, chest of drawers and tights hanging from the curtain pole :lol: the bathroom is also full of clothes drying.

just need to put the last few bits on my bed away. then sort out mine and OH's bedside tables.

do the ironing. pair up all the socks and sort all the undies away.

UUUUUH. feed the animals.

then a bath me thinks :)

reminds me when i didnt have my tumble dryer

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