What was your bubba like with the first injection?


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2006
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:cry: Olivia is booked in for Tuesday the 13th Feb, Im dreading them I hope shes ok when she has them.

I have asked the nurse if I can put her to the breast while shes doing it as when she had her heal prick test, she was on the breast and didnt even flinch :D , she said it was a wonderfull idea and will make it a much more pleasent, comforting experience :)

How was your bubba on the first injection? were they under the weather? :think:
I know how you feel Tasha, im dreading this!!!!!!!

Putting Olivia to the breast sounds fab. I cant do that with Zac unfortunately but hoping he is going to be a brave boy, as when he had his Vitamin K jab and Heel Prick he didnt even flinch.

May not be as lucky this time.... :talkhand:

Also, can we give our babies calpol if they seem a bit under the weather after the jabs??
madi was a bit wingy :( but with a bit of calpol and lots of cuddles shes was bk to normal in no time!

madi only weighed 9lb at her fist jabs aswell
Harry was fine when he had it he didnt cry at all, dont think he even realised something was happening, He was a bit restless a few hours later though but a bit of calpol and cuddles done the trick!
hmmm I'll be surprised if they let you put her on the breast as these jabs are normal done on the top of the legs on both left and right side (2 jabs :puke: ), but then again it could be different where you are, I know was going to put Otis on the boob but it just wasn't practicle. Well he hated it!!! He screamed through the whole thing, usually (and was) quite crap with these sort of things, but it had to be done, thank god it all happens quite quickly so I didn't have time to cry with Oats - pheww, probably would have looked like a right whally! :lol:
Just don't think about it, besides your baba needs the jabs, it's only 2 minutes of yours and babas life and then it's over and done...till the next time!!!!
Thanks for the replys :D :think: thinking about it, yes it could be impractical. well I will have to see how it goes and I know it will be over and done with quickly but its just not nice, I hated injections I suppose its best not to act anxious otherwise she will asociate it with going to the nurse, so will be as calm as I can be :)
Arianna was fine with her 1st and 3rd jabs but didnt like the 2nd lot!

She was a bit sleepy after her 1st. I think I cried more than she did!!

S. xx
nathan was ok with 1 and 2 but the third he was grotty with, lots of people i know have said the same. i gave him calpol as soon as i got home with all of them just in case.
emma was winging (sp) straight after her jabs and all night so we went to bed early and then she was fine the next day
The actual jab was fine, a couple of seconds of crying and then all smiles again but afterwards she was a bit miserable so we got the calpol out too :)
i always dose mine up before the injection :)

im dreading next week as Bethany has her pre school booster and rachael has her third injecion at the same time :cry:
On the first thigh Jakob didnt flinch then the second one he screamed....I gave him calpol when we got home but it was about 48 hours later that he got really whingy...
It was awful and Jake has to have his 3 month ones soon. Jake was smiling at the nurse and when she put the needle in his little lip went and then he screamed whilst she put one in the other leg. I felt so nasty. I was kissing him and saying over and over again mummy is so sorry I love you. The nurse probably thought I was nuts. Jake was a little bit moany for the rest of the day but nothing major(I gave him some Calpol). We just have to remember the injections are for their own good.
Thea cried and so did i lol. As soon as she was done i put her straight on my breast before even redressing her and that seemed to calm her quickly the first time. I gave Thea some calpol because she was grumpy afterwards but overall she wasnt too bad.
heehee whenever we have had to go for jabs I always refer to the nurses office as 'the torture chamber' , as anyone who goes in there always comes out crying!!! :shock: Well Otis definately does, think he raises it by a couple of levels actually. Fortunately he hasn't been to bad after his jabs, just a little off colour.

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