What treats havent you had in a while?


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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Just had a Rice Krispie Squares bar and oh how ive missed them!!

And me and my mum were looking on the net yesterday for Burtons Potato Puffs and they just dont do them anymore :cry: I googled the name and so many forums came up asking where to get these crisps from! i was so shocked! But noone found any! :(

What treats did you have as a kid that you havent had for years? Or even a few months?
I used to love that chocolate secrets bars you got years ago.

Like a chocolate lattice with choc mouse in the middle mmmmmmmmm

I also miss the grape fanta and pineapple fanta you get in the states, but MIL should be taking some over for my xmas!! :D

S. xx
Blue cheese, peanut butter on toast, nice glass of Chateau Neuf Du Pape.

And StarBars.

And that's just the last few months :D

Soooooo long to go still!

When I was young I used to love Scampi Fries. Bet they taste foul now!

I had a pack of scampi fries the other day!!
S, xx
Jacobs Creek Shiraz..Asda have it on offer for £4 a bottle at mo, have bought loads for prezzies, but none for me :cry:
I used to love Frazzles but the smell makes me ill now lol!
I used to love candy fruit shaped sweets called Runts! Id love a box of them now!! I used to eat them til i was sick lol!!
I love Millions too! cola ones!
Ready salted Squares...mmmmmmmmm

i miss smirnoff ice. havent had a drink since 17 so its been a while lol!
Havent had peach water in a while either... :think: time to do some shopping i think!
a cold half of stella tops with a cigarette!! Naughty I know, and I pobably won't have one when I have had Thomas but it is still nice to dream!!!
Leorah is milk and soy protein intolerant and as I'm breastfeeding I can't eat milk chocolate as well as anything else with dairy or soy so no cheese, most breads, cakes etc :cry:

I really miss going out and working my way down the cocktail list with my girls friends in London. You just don't get cocktails over here in Denmark and if you do they eáre really expensive, none of those 2 for 1 cocktail bargains back home :)

Mmm I used to love chocolate bars called banjo and those minty sweets called pacers. Do they still do pickled onion space invaders? they were lush and only 10p, I used to get one of those and a wham bar evrytime I got my 20p sweet money :lol:
mmm. nice cold pint of strongbow and a fag :lol:

when i was young i used to love pacers, chewy like opal fruits but minty flavour. but haven't seen them in years
When i was first pregnant. i really wanted some cola cubes so badlyly i searched online for them..I ended up getting some and tried eating it and spat it out it then wasn't wahat i wanted lol the joys of pregnancy.
there is a website on line that sells heaps of the old sweets....

aquarterof.co.uk I spend a fortune on it!!

S. xx
I miss for now.... Stella, cold cold pints or when I'm feeling lady like i would go for chateau neuf du pape with littlebump or champagne :)

from when i was young... pasas...the green and white stripey chewy sweets, Tangy Toms, cheese flavoured walkers snaps( though tomato are my fave) and also those bacon flavour piglet crisps/snacks
OMG Jo Potato Puffs they were LEGENDARY!!!

And I know what you mean about them not doing them ANYWHERE!

Bring back the PP's!!! :cheer:

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