what to get...


Active Member
Oct 22, 2008
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Hello mums

Could any of you advise on what is really needed for a newborn? I'm 34 weeks now, and we went shopping yesterday to try and get some things, but it all seems so overwhelming! I keep zoneing out and loosing focus and nearly getting run over by off road buggies in mothercare! As a result we ended up with a few sleep suits and some blankets, and not much else... How much clothing do you really need? I'm planning to breast feed so do I need to buy bottles and sterilizing unit for expressing milk sooner or later?? Is there anything that you would consider to be essential from the start??? I tried talking to the shop assistants in mothercare, but they were more interested in signing me up for their store card than anything else, so any thoughts would be appriciated!
I'd not go overboard tbh. Lots you can get when baby is actually here.

I'd make sure you have the basics that you will need in the first 6 weeks


Sleepsuits x 8 (I'd get a few newborn and the rest in 0-3 size) Babies can live in these in the early weeks. Lots easier for Mum and baby. Saves endless laundry and splashing out on clothes they will only wear a few times. Also easier to change
Bosysuits/vests x 8
Long sleeved bodysuits x 3 (good for winter wear)
Jacket/coat and cardi or two
Socks x 5 pk
Hat x 2
One or two outfits (trousers/top or skirt/top etc) but don't go overboard

I'd also get an all in one snow/all weather suit for going out in


Nappies (don't buy masses of one make as its trial and error as to what will suit your baby)
Nappy sacks
Cotton wool (for washing baby bottom in the early weeks)
Muslin squares x 6pk
Towel/flannels (we use flannels to dry LO's bottom when its washed, easier than a towel and perfect size, and can put in wash at end of each day)
Car seat or infant carrier (if you have a car or are planning to travel in one)
Pram/travel system (some do all in ones that are prams to start, convert into pushchairs as baby gets bigger)
Thermometer (for baby temp)
Room thermometer (for baby room)
Basket/crib or cot and sheets to fit
Blankets or baby sleeping bag (if bags then get 2)
Change mat


Few toys
Play mat/baby gym mat
Baby bath or tummy tub (or else bath in with you or in the sink or bowl) Babies don't need bathing the first couple of weeks tbh. Topping and tailing is fine then.
Mobile for basket/cot


Lansinoh nipple cream (a real must)
Breast pads
Breastfeeding bra

FWIW I was one of those who opted to not get bottles or pump at all as I planned to BF. I felt having them in the house would make me maybe cave if things got tough. Felt I was better without. It can take a fair few days for milk to come in and women often panic and think their baby is starving because they are sucking at the boob and not seeming to get much. Baby is getting colostrum which is vital and will be enough till milk comes in. I managed just fine without bottles or expressing :) We didn't use bibs when BF'ing. Prefer muslin squares as there is not much mess with boobs :)

I'm sure others will have more to add :)
O its recommended to not express in the first 6 weeks but to let baby suck and stimulate your supply. Supply and demand. Expressing early on can cause nipple confusion and also is not a good guide as to how much milk you are producing. I'd really not worry about bottles or expressing stuff till BF'ing is established.

If you really need it once baby is here you can send someone out to get stuff (but research about teat flow/shape etc so as to avoid nipple confusion or baby developing a preference for bottle feeds over boob feeding which could then mean BF'ing not working)
Ditto what Sherlock said, we had 5 sleepsuits and same amount of vests, all white. 3 neutral outfits, 2 pairs of socks, 3 mits, 1 cardi and 2 hats. Keep it simple especially if you don't know what sex the baby is, Rudy was a summer baby so maybe you should consider some kind of coat/ snow suit for taking baby outside.

Also with regards to breastfeeding just your boobs will do, I think it's beneficial not to have bottles etc in the first few weeks if your determined to give BF a good shot. You can get bottles etc at pretty much any supermarket so can send someone out if you need them after the baby arrives.

You'll definatley need a carseat, you can't leave hospital withput one of these. And a pram or sling to take the baby out in. A few fitted sheets for the moses basket along with a couple of flat sheets and blankets. Mothercare sell a moses basket bundle which has all of this. Oh and you need a moses basket to put all the sheets onto :wink:

I don't think having the bare minimum is a bad thing, I got most of our stuff after he was born as and when needed, saves lots of money and waste on clothes.

Hope that helps :D
Not sure if your situation is going to be the same as mine was, but I ended up getting loads of presents when LO was born. She ended up with ridiculous amount of bodysuits, teddies and bibs (which I've only started using now as she is on solids). So I wish I hadn't bought as much.

Also, I was told that the breast pump is a must, but I have never used it. The bottom line is that you can always buy things once LO is born.

For us the most useful thing ended up being a sling, as LO used to cry a bit more when she was tiny. I used to carry her in it a lot for the first 5 - 6 weeks. LO also hated her pram up to that point. Gosh it all sounds like a distant memory now as our princess is such a happy and content little baby these days :D
i breast-fed and didnt need the zillions of bibs i'd been bought until she was weaned. iv seen bottle-fed babies with their milk and they seem to spill more so get plenty of bibs if u gonna do any bottle-feeding!

another waste was the zillions of scratch mitts i had! they just come off- utterly pointless!

i found i went thru tonnes of cotton wool balls- i didnt use anything but water to clean her skin for the first month-ish, and with frequent runny poos i needed lots of cotton balls!

clothes-wise: i just recommend lots of babygrows. they are probably the comfiest thing ur baby can wear, and easy to access for nappy changes.
Thank you for all your advice lovely mums :) Somehow you make it sound not so daunting after all!
I agree with everything Sherlock said. I just got my first bottles and pump two days ago. I wasn't planning on getting them at all but a few classes I have are longer than I expected them to be.

Also, I don't know if this happens to most people, but I got drowned in little tee-shirt bodysuits! I have far too many! But, because I have a long, long baby I struggle with sleepsuits because only Mothercare make them in a size that works for us (at least as far as I have found). Jacob just turned two months and he has never worn an "outfit." We keep him in sleepsuits, playsuits and bodysuits with a cardigan if necessary because they are very easy to get on and off and so cozy!
moss said:
Also, I don't know if this happens to most people, but I got drowned in little tee-shirt bodysuits! I have far too many! But, because I have a long, long baby I struggle with sleepsuits because only Mothercare make them in a size that works for us (at least as far as I have found). Jacob just turned two months and he has never worn an "outfit." We keep him in sleepsuits, playsuits and bodysuits with a cardigan if necessary because they are very easy to get on and off and so cozy!

Same happened to us but they're useful just now underneath sleepsuits as it's coooold. Definitely agree with having some sort of sling too, they are a lifesaver.

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