What to expect at 1st scan


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2008
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Hey girls,
this is my first pregnancy and i have my 12 week scan on monday. just wondering if you could give me some info on what happens? obviously i know they will put gel on my belly and move that device around (don't mean to be thick but not sure what it is called lol :oops: ) and i know i have to go with a full bladder but i suppose what i want to know is do they explain what is going on as they scan you?, do you hear the heartbeat and how much do you have to pay for a photo and also do you pay the sonographer or the receptionist? can you have more than 1 photo cos my mum n dad want one. Any info would be great. thanks. hope your all doing ok and enjoying being pregnant. Take care
They will be right down on your pelvic bone, looking for LO. Somewhere round your knicker line (if you wear briefs) not much higher. They may also press fairly hard (does not hurt LO so don't worry) to get a good reading. It will mean pressure on your bladder however and that can get very uncomfortable.

In mine my consultant did his readings, then spoke inbetween those. Not talking all the time. He had to concentrate so as to make sure he was getting all the info he needed. Mine was a Nuchal and dating scan hence that. With just a dating scan its a little less technical. They will point out the head, legs, arms and so on, and hopefully give you a side view and maybe one from the top of LO's head looking down. LO will only be about 5cm long at this point so very small and not always easy to make things out.

Some turn on the speakers for a bit to let you hear the heartbeat, others not. Worth asking when you get there.

Cost of pics depends. My NHS hospital charges £6 for scan pics. You get up to 5. For my Nuchal it was private and we got them included. Some NHS places only ask for a donation. Others charge. Others are free. It should tell you in your appointment letter what their arrangement is. If not ask when you arrive at the reception. And then ask the sonographer if they can take some pics for you during the scan.

I think that everyone has slightly different experiences at their scans but mine went like this:

Got to hospital and drank loads of water on the way and in waiting room- probably more than I needed to but wanted to make sure the pics were clear. Needed to pee quite badly and was very nervous it was going to happen at the scan! ( it didn't luckily)
Got called into scan pretty much straightaway. The guy said he was going to do his stuff for a bit first and take all measurements- then didn't say a word for what felt like forever. I couldn't see the screen but my dh could and he was smiling- although he didn't reassure me everything was alright as his face fell at one point!
The sonographer then showed us the screen and pointed out everything and I asked for pics. They were £3 each and we could get as many as we wanted but could only get one image. we paid him there and then but some places have machines for you to get them from. Just take plenty of change and try to remember to ask for pics straightaway so they can get a good image.
Then I had to wait forever and a day to see midwife to get weighed and bp taken and then went through medical history.
Then had to wait to get bloods taken- the wait for this wasn't so long unfortunatley!
If your hospital is busy like mine then I'd advise taking a small snack and something to read to take your mind off all the waiting!
As the others say, things vary.

I drank (if anything) too much - but this made the picture very VERY clear which was ace! Our sonographer zoomed straight in on the heartbeat as he knew that would be the first thing we'd want to see. We didn't hear it though. He then took measurements from the head etc (only a couple) and gave us a good look round. Connie was asleep so he kept prodding her to get her to move for us! He also looked carefully at her profile as he said a strongly visible nose is a good sign that everything is OK with the baby.

Other than that, not much. As soon as he'd finished he pointed me in the direction of the loo (aaaaah relief!) and we bought a photo for £2.

SHERLOCK - £6 for a scan?! You've been ripped off royally! :shock:

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