What to buy OH when baby comes?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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I have always thought I wanted to buy my DH a pressie when the little one comes, any ideas girls?

well my gift to my OH is alittle strange..... I brought him trainers!!! :roll:

He got me a lovely best mum teddy it was sweet. :)

I should have got him a mouse mat with lil one on it or something sentimental like that so he can see everyday at work! :doh:
I made OH a card and wrote a poem in it :D
i got my sis make up stuff
my mum a tina turner CD and my dad a bottle of whisky
Ive got the baby a bib that says 'I love my daddy' its mainly for my OH because hes been nagging for one lol. Havent told him about it yet tho. He was going to buy one himself, I had to think quickly and said not to buy one because its tacky :? He looked as if he was going to cry lol bless him.
i never got anyone alything. i got bought stuff not the other way round :shock:
I planned to get my DH something too but with baby arriving early, that all went out of the window.

I'm going to have a look around for a gift though from somewhere.

They deserve it too. Well at least I think so.
My DH got the gift of a son, nothing else!!!!!!!!! :lol:

i didn't get dh anything! lol

but if you wanted get some photos of them together and when he is at work make them up in a photo frame and give him that.

i have done that a few times for my dh and he love them

just an idea!
my OH got the gift of 'get your fecking face away from me' :twisted: and of course his 2 lovely daughters but i think it should be us mummys who get the gifts and the babies not the OH they dont do any hard work to get the bambinos out.....lol
i definately agree with us getting the gift!!

After all we go through! i would have like a massive box of choccies but i didn't get anything!! :( tight bugger!!
i got nothing either both times :shock: :shock: dint even get a congratulations off anyone except all the lovely peeps on here :D
I think they do deserve a pressie, well my DH does, I wouldnt be pregnant or be expecting a daughter if it wasnt for him aswell. My DH will probably get me a pressie but Im grateful to him for providing us with a lovely home, cars and all the things we have wanted to get my little one, he works bloody hard.

Anyway, I got him a Guess watch which is really nice and I will have it inscribed when LO is born

do you have a TK Max near where you live? i rave about this shop. I got a little black box with WHO'S THE DADDY??? wrote across the front... inside 3 pairs of black socks with "who's the daddy" on... only a little present... hope he doesn't say "socks again"...

Got him a fridge magnet too of a teddy wearing a t'shirt saying hello daddy....

That's a nice pressie Hayley.

I totally agree, Isaac wouldn't be here without Dads contribution, he's a gift to both of us I just happened to be the one to carry and give birth to him.

We'll get Dad a belated gift.
a slap.

reward the bloke for giving us 9months of sickness, piles, pains etc, then the birth too

no chance


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