What song is stuck in your head?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I've HAD to make this thread cos I've got Shine by Take That absolutely wedged in my brain and it's been there for days and I can't get it out!!

It's just tooooo catchy!


or tell me what you've got stuck in your head.
ooo I quite like that song!

I have a few that cycle round...

Ruby, by the Kaiser Cheifs...my classroom assitant Peter keeps singing it :x

Never be Lonely...The Feeling (Was on in the bakckground of something I was watching)
oh i really love that song hun.

Iv got that song from the feeling in my head can think what its called, it goes something 'i love you when you call, but you never call at all' something like that anyway im sure you know what i mean :D
ooo I get that one in my head quite a bit too Tracey. I do quite like The Feeling.
I get that damn Amy Winehouse stuck in my head and i cant stand it!! :x :evil:
yeah couldnt stand it at first though didnt make any sense but now i love it, but still cant think of the title :think:
Flame said:
I get that damn Amy Winehouse stuck in my head and i cant stand it!! :x :evil:

oh i love her songs they are great not all of them but most of them are great :D
Grrrrr :rotfl: dont make me go to bed with it in my head :|
Flame said:

Your mean :cry:

Awww Flame :hug: Stop being so hard on yourself, It's not good for your health, I know that you can change, So clear your head and come round....



So come on, come on, get it on
Don't know what you're waiting for
Your time is coming don't be late, hey hey

:wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:
I've now got Shine by Take that in my head after reading this thread.
But I like it, so its all good!!

So come on, come on, get it on ................... :dance:
"If i lie here, if i just lay here, would you lie with me and just forget the world"....I've had that in my head for days......Who sings it?I had the take that one last week....think its because its been on so many adverts and radio stations..they do it on purpose so we go and buy it...subliminal messages i think they call it...excuse the spelling if i got it wrong...first time i've ever spelt subliminal.... :lol: The Grace Kelly one has been humming away in my head too...but I love that one! :D
The Muppet Show theme tune is constantly playing in my head as my DH is always singing it to Leorah because it makes her giggle, it is driving me insane :x :lol:
I have 2 songs stuck in my head.... one is Gwen Stefani's new song - all good!!

The other... thansks to my hubby is Alfie by Lily Allan, I did lik eit but now I'm sick of it!!
Ooooo deary me,
My little brother's in his bedroom smoking weed,
I tell him he should get up cos it's nearly half past three
He can't be bothered cos he's high on THC.
I ask him very nicely if he'd like a cup of tea,
I can't even see him cos the room is so smoky,
Don't understand how one can watch so much TV,
My baby brother Alfie how I wish that you could see.

Oooooo I only say it cos I care,
So please can you stop pulling my hair.
Now, now there's no need to swear,
Please don't despair my dear Mon frere.

Bet you are all singing it too now!!
:rotfl: :rotfl:
hahaha I dont even know how the take that song goes so you cant put it in my head! :dance:

I do have how to save a life stuck in my head a lot cos its always on the flipping radio, dont even like the song!

I do sometimes get zippadee doodaa stuck in my head, or the heidi theme tune (you remember these right??) :rotfl:

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