What Reflux Medicine Do You Give...


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2008
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After spending the day in a and e, I finally have an answer as to why my LO crys all the time and it was reflux. My GP was not interested, and told me it will pass, he will grow out of crying and get on with it!! Idiot.

So, having tried infant gaviscon in normal milk, it did nothing, so back to c and g comfort.

Giving him 2ml Domperidone 4 times a day and 0.4ml ranitidine 3 times a day.

How much/what do you give your LO? And more importantly... did it work?? *fingers soooooo crossed for positive responses*

Hi sorry just didnt want to read and run....but havent tried these meds for Eva, we have found the gaviscon works for us, but she is breastfed and has it in one bottle of EBM a day. It didnt do much initially but seemed to work better over time so it might be worth sticking with it if you only tried it a couple of times? I'm sure there will be someone along soon with something helpfull to say, good luck hope you find something that works soon, reflux sucks :hug:
Yeah, poor dear... it does suck.

I tried it for about a week, found he wasnt tooooooo sicky, but it didnt help with the silent reflux. He was happyer on the c and g comfort, and less sicky.

BUT looking at the milks, these stay down ones are so much thicker than milk with gaviscon in it, I didnt realise until I mixed it up. No wonder the poor lil mite is on lactulouse too.
Tom was on Infant Gaviscon, Ranitidine and Domperidone for his silent reflux. They definitely helped but the domperidone and Ranitidine dosage is weight-dependent so make sure you are getting your LO weighed regularly so that the dosage can be adjusted.
You need to stick with them for a while before you see any results. I think it took a couple of weeks with Tom but things definitely calmed down then.
There is a reflux support thread on here. It's a sticky in Food and Nutrition. Might be worth a look.
Good luck. Poor you...reflux is a nightmare but it will improve with the meds.
Jeremy was on Gaviscon and ranitidine which worked really well together. He has now stopped the ranitidine as his refluxing has gone down as he has got bigger.

Hope it works for you
When do you give them their meds??

Before a feed, during... or after, or not with a feed at all?

I dont know whens best.
I hope you find something that works for your lo.

We only use gaviscon, but I think we could have done with something else. x
one dual sachet in every 7oz feed , and we can have rantadine if we want but gavison works well for us , altho time likes tonight he needed more , as he covered me ,him and the sofa :puke:
Domperidone is just an anti sickness med and doesn't actually help with the acid build up, just means that when they are sick they don't know it :? Ranitidine worked okish for us with James and Gaviscon did chuff all, James is still on Ranitidine 3 times a day morning afternoon and night. Even if you think your LO doesn't need it give it as it helps with the build up. God help us if we miss a dose on James he gets really really bad can't keep anything down and screams in pain :cry:
My little un was on Gaviscon,Ranitidine 4 times daily,and Domperidone 4 times a day.
We recently had an appointment at the hospital and Finlay had a berium meal and also an allergy test.He's allergic to lactose and soya but best of all he has been taken off the Ranitidine and Domperidone and is now on Omeprazole once a day and the improvement in his sickyness is unbelieveable.He still is a little sick now and then but no where near as much as he was before.Happy days at last!
summer has a sachet of gaviscon in each bottle, our gp has been great with us and summer is now putting on weight so a step in the right direction

she is now constipated though and the doc has suggested giving her a fennel drink or baby fruit juice, has anyone else experienced this side effect from the gaviscon?

what is Ranitidine????? Domperidone??????? and Omeprazole????????

im new to all of this lol

summer is better on the gaviscon but still projectile vomits daily
All of those are meds for reducing stomach acid, or sickness. I wouldnt worry about it, your doctor would explain everything if he decides that your LO needs anything else.

Yes, seems most LO's get constipated on gaviscon, I was prescrubed lactulose 5ml twiice a day for Corey because of the cow and gate comfort that he is on. I have been told that brown sugar mixed with water is a good one too for easing their constipation, Iv never used it, and probably wudnt but... iv hurd it works.

Im still waiting for these to start working really... no change as yet. Fingers crossed not much longer.
my doc told me to try fennel for summers constipation, tried her with a little last night and it worked!
Joined: Wed Nov 21, 2007 17:24 pm
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Location: Midlands my doc told me to try fennel for summers constipation, tried her with a little last night and it worked!

What's this? I was just about to post for constipation relief from the gaviscon.

Jadon is on the comfort cow and gate AND gaviscon. I spoke to the GP and Helath visitor about it and they said it was ok to use both. I follow the breast fed instrusctions and make the gaviscon up with 15ml of water, then I add it to his milk. I know its odd, and not following the instructions, but i cant add it neat to the milk as it becomes way too thick, and LO cant get it out of the bottle. And he wont take it neat (I so do not blame him, it stinks); so I make it up with the water and add it to his milk.

I was waiting til he had 1oz of milk left then adding it, but he was so full up with the milk that he wouldnt take it, if I add it at the begginning he might still leave 1oz, but he's getting most of the gaviscon; and best of all- IT WORKS!

But I find if I add it to his milk, then wait a bit before feeding him (maybe he's playing and temporarily doesnt want to feed) I find it becomes too thick again and he cant get it out of the bottle.

I'm so pleased witht the results of the gaviscon at the moment, he has improved massively! Only problme now is the constipation...... :(

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