I had to nip to the garage today as I got my new car a couple of months back but had never gave them the car log books etc... anyway on the way home my hubby calls me on the mobile and says "if you are passing a shop can you get me some razor blades as I've ran out and will need to shave before meeting tonight".
Well I couldn't be assed going to the big Boots as the shopping complex, so I stopped off at a tiny Somerfield...
Anyway, this Somerfield isn't in the nicest of areas in Aberdeen... but I was only running in for the one thing. I gets into the shop and they don't have ANY!! Only have the disposable ones which hubby hates. I asked a girl if she had any through in the back store to which I got told "no, unfort we can't sell them here as people were coming in and breaking packs open and threatening the staff"
Needless to say I about turned, got my baby girl out this mad shop and went back to the Boots!!
How bad is that tho!!
Well I couldn't be assed going to the big Boots as the shopping complex, so I stopped off at a tiny Somerfield...
Anyway, this Somerfield isn't in the nicest of areas in Aberdeen... but I was only running in for the one thing. I gets into the shop and they don't have ANY!! Only have the disposable ones which hubby hates. I asked a girl if she had any through in the back store to which I got told "no, unfort we can't sell them here as people were coming in and breaking packs open and threatening the staff"
Needless to say I about turned, got my baby girl out this mad shop and went back to the Boots!!
How bad is that tho!!