What is going on??????


New Member
Feb 5, 2008
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:cry: Please help me I have missed 2 periods and have taken numerous test all of which are negative. We are TTC since July last year. I have regular peiods and have never missed until now.

I've been to see my GP who is sending me for a scan but he says this is only for my reassurance.

I've had cramping in my stomach when i was supposed to have my period but nothing. I have a clear discharge every now and then. I never usually have any period pains so am i really scared that something bad has happened.

Has anyone else had this?
:hug: Sorry Hun, Im not sure what could be going on really but you have done the right thing by going to your GP and at least things are moving in the right direction in that you are going to get a scan which might help put your mind at rest and give you some answers.

Have you been very stressed at all lately or lost some weight...these things can mess up your cycle. Please try not to worry (I know its easier said than done) but Im sure everything will be ok in the end :hug:
No stress or weight loss. I suppose i just have to wait for the scan date to come through.
:hug: :hug:

I’m going through the same sort of thing as you. My last period was in Dec and have not had another one since. I have kept testing and still a BFN. I went to my GP as I have been felling dizzy and light headed as well thought my iron levels were low again, I had blood tests done and they came back ok. The Doc told me not to worry about my cycles but how can I not!!!! I have never missed a period this long before!!!!! :cry:
i've been thru what your going through..
i had a period 12th august last yr and never had another until the 26th October, i did test after test and they came back negative so the dr sent me for a scan which came back normal apart from my PCSO which i know i have, they don't know why i missed 2 periods i had no stress no weight loss or gain it just happened but now they are back to normal..

hope u get it all figured out doon and that you get your BFP very soon..xxx
I hope it all gets sorted out for you soon :hug:

My periods have been a bit all over the place and I had a scan and tests and I don't think there's anything wrong - just one of those things :(

Thinking of you :hug:
Love Pol xxx

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