What is going on??


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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On Friday I tested with a clearblue (4days before due on period) and there was a very faint line. So on saturday I tested again with the left over clearblue and again, a very faint line. So tested this moring with a 1st response and negative so tried another clearblue from a new pack and it was negative :?

What is going on? 2 positives and 3 negatives :? Is it possible that the two positive clearblues from the same pack were a dodgy batch or something?

What should I do now? Just wait and see if I get my period? :|

um thats a bit strange, i would personally make an appointment with the doc and see what they say!

Because even if it was a faint line it would still be a positive, sorry hun really dont know what to suggest

hope you get the result you want :hug: :hug:
Thanks :hug:

Thats what I thought about it being positive, the line came up within the 3mins and everything and although it was very faint it was definately there :? on both of the clearblues I done :? but then nothing on the rest :|


Im due on on Tuesday :) I know it's still early for a pregnancy test really.

I tested each time with my 1st pee of the day

I will make an appointment at the doctors on monday if I can get in :)

I just want to know why they are negative now :? All I can think of is that the clearblues I got the positives with were dodgy :?

when is your period due? i mean if you are pregnant then obviosuly it wont come.. but if you were and now your not then unfortunatly theres nothing you can do..

i went for a scan on friday when i was 11 weeks and a bit.. and even the doctor said then if i start to miscarry then theres nothing they can do to stop it even that far gone..

either go and get another test or wait for your period to show..i used clear blue digital.. it was £13 for 2 dtests and it came up pregnant right away.. i would suggest using them as they tell u clearly.. if you are or if you arnt..xx good luck
i would ring the docs and see if you can get in, if not then wait til tues or wed morning then test again.

Unless af shows up of course! Check the result and then make an appoinment the batch must be faulty then.

Anyway hope all goes ok, iv gotta go off for a bit but will come and check on you later make sure all is ok.

PM me if you need to chat at all

Big hugs :hug: :hug:
could it be the tests that gave u the negative result cant be used that early before AF is due???

I had a few positives and negatives when i started testing... all different brands.
There has been something in the press about Clearblue giving false positves hasn't there? Maybe you got one of the bad batches?
he clear blues in question were hospital ones though.. i agree that it might be the other tests that are inacurate no the positives.. its hard actually i think impossible to fake a positive
id get it done with the docs but expalin what u did first tho or just get tested with them. say u think your pregnant but not sure or u could wait to see if u got your period yet.
Go and buy a tesco test and youl be sure cos they give great results and have been accurate when io have used them
what a pain not knowing that would drive me mad!
Go n see ur docs as soon as poss n find out one way or the other. good luck xx
I'll try and get a docs appointment for tomorrow and see what he says :)

:hug: xx

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