what is eveyone up to for Easter bank hols?

well my intention is to slob out the whole weekend and not leave the house except to walk the dogs!
my daghter wanted to make some cakes and flapjacks and easter crispy cake things so im going to do that with her im hoping thats as exciting and energetic as it will get :rotfl:

In reality I will probably spend the entire time running round like a mad crazed hormonal freak,biting peoples heads off,moaning,sobbing and generally being a misery,so no change there then :?
im going to have a relaxed weekend of doing bog all :lol: :dance:
friday and saturday will be spent attempting to break my lie in record :lol: :sleep:
when my James get back sunday and monday will be spent hugging kissing snuggling and spending time with my lovely man. :cheer: :cheer: :hug:

Im not religous so this is a hols only for me
and god i need it with this little monkey pressing my back to shatttering point
looking forward to the rest. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

hope you all have a brillinat bank hols :hug:
sarah :wave:

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