What Have We All Decided On ?


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2006
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I was wondering what we've all choosen to call our baby's and how we come across in choosing them .

We've Choosen

Maddison Debra Elaine Heath

Maddison - Both Me and DH chose that as we really liked the name but DH insisted it was spelt with the DD'S

Debra - Named after my sister because she was told 9 years back that she was unable to carry lil girls and then a year later she was told she could never have anymore kids after conceiving 2 boys.

So me and DH felt that by making her godmother to are lil princess and using my sisters first name as Maddisons middle name would help her not to forget but to heal her greif for the little girls she lost and was unable to carry.

Elaine - After DH nanna who sadly passed away a few years back .

Heath - Hubbys surname as were married
We had our girls name already picked out so its a good job she's a girl because we didnt have a boys name :D


Maddison as my grandads middle name is Addison(hence the 2 DD's) and the 'M' comes from Martha (my grans name), Holly because she was conceived at Xmas and Bugg because thats our surname :wink:

Great choice of name Wend :wink:
At the moment my favourite is Fynn.... I like it because its unusual ..I got it from some book I read not long ago..Theres nothing sentimental to it!

My hubby isnt too sure on Fynn tho... His favourite is Zak... but im not too sure on that name!

So at the minute we're at logger-heads! :x :wall:
Emily Amy first and middle name we have chosen
Sophie Louise for a girl. Sophie because we just both love that name as its so girlie but also good for a woman. Louise because OH's late grandad is named Lewis, so we just changed it for a girl.

Jake William for a boy. Jake because we think its a cute boys name and a good mans name too. William as thats my late grandads name
James David

Just because we like it really and don't know that many James' :rotfl:
My baby is a girl and Im settled on Phoebe Rose, because its a real girls name and means light and beautiful
mrs_tommo22 said:
My baby is a girl and Im settled on Phoebe Rose, because its a real girls name and means light and beautiful

My cousin is called Rose and she named her daughter Phoebe :D
Thomas Charlie Potts

Thomas because my nan was welsh and her maiden name was Thomas - she was my world and I still miss her every day. Charlie because its my OH middle name (well Charles) and Potts is my OH surname and he would be mortified if baby didn't have his name.

And we get to call the baby T Pott and his initials will be TCP! :rotfl:

OH wants the baby's first name to be Charlie, but he can't have everything his way and my ferret is called Charlie!

Piglet xx
We haven't narrowed it down yet, we'd like to see the baby before we pick a name in case it doesn't suit.. if that makes sense. We've got 4 or 5 names for girl and boy, so we'll just have to decide afterwards :)
Clark Alexander Beasley

Clark because we wanted something a little bit different, Brad and I both have slightly unusual unusual names (or we did when we were little, now they are both becoming more popular!) and I hate to admit it but Brad has a superman obsession!!! (cheesy I know)

Alexander because we just both liked it and Beasley because thats Brads surname and will be mine too by next August.
We decided to go for Serbian-English combination of names (given that I am Serbian and my hubby is English). Since we don't know if it is a boy or a girl, we picked both names! So, for a girl it will be
Danitza Clare
Danitza is Serbian for Venus and Clare we just liked.
For a boy it will be
Vukashin George
Vukashin is a very old Serbian name (early Middle Ages) and it was a name of a very important Serbian emperor. George was a name of my husband's gradfather.
We really like these names and they seem to be relatively easy for British people to pronounce. What do you think?
hi our little girl is going to be called

Kayla Louise Twyford.

it was one of the few names we could agree on lol.

wend sorry to be nosey but where about in staffordshire r us as i am in stoke (bentilee) and my surname is heath so thought it was a bit of a coincidence.

For a boy:
Tobias Mikhail
For a girl: It'll probably change,but : Willow Izcra

Had to have some acknowledgement of the Russian heritage in there somewhere...
We don't know what we're having so the top boy and girls names are Adam and Olivia but we have a few runners up for when we see what s/he looks like we might change it. :D
Our lil girl will be called Erin Brooke Murphy - we've always liked the name Erin and my husband is everso proud of his Irish history. Was gonna be Erin Tara but we decided it would be cruel as she may get called ET!!! Hubby is not so keen on Brooke but he got to choose our son's name so this time its my turn haha
Alexander Joshua Gosney

not for any particular reason other than we can't agree on any other name lol (and Gosney is our surname of course)

BUT if he comes on 1st August he will be Alexander André Gosney, because 1st August was my late grandfather's birthday, and his name was André, so it would be in memory of him :)

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