What happens at...


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2006
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Your 25 weeks anti natal appointment with your GP? Seems ageeeees ago since I saw my midwife (16 weeks) - i'm booked in to see her when i'm 27 weeks.
nothing very exciting urine, blood pressure babys heatbeat, thats about it really should get your matb1 form to, id ask for it if you need one. i was there about 10 mins.
Got my MATB1 certificate I just collected that from reception - it was waiting for me!! Does he/she measure to see whether little girl is growing alright or does the midwife do that?
i never saw a gp after he confirmed my pregnancy
not a clue????
I just got exactly the same as what my midwife did.
Bp, urine, she measured my bump and just had a chat about how i was feeling.
She was running an hour behind and i waited incase it was important but i was in there about 10mins and it was exactly what my mw did, i was not amused. :shakehead: :shakehead:
As long as I get peace of mind that she's ok - as she was measuring small for my dates and i'm not very big bump-wise - so i'm just panicking that she's not growing! :shock:
try not to worry too much.
I was measuring small for my dates and he came out 8lb 9oz :D :hug:
Scrummy healthy baby! Its just been ageeees (well it seems) since I last saw/heard or had a check up on her - i'm sure she's snug in there - prolly too snug as she's a lazy bunny!
I hated the wait between seeing my midwife but it was great when i finally got there and everything was ok.
You will have you LO here before you know it..looking back on it pregnancy flew by :hug:

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