What foods have you all gone off


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2007
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I seem to be eating anything savoury, i used to have a right sweet tooth but not latley all i want is chessy stuff, hehe, quavers crisps at the start and now i keep on at hubby to make me macaroni cheese and i keep buying cheesy sticks and dip... i must have a craving for cheese by the sounds of it.. haha.. I used to always want a pudding after my main meal but not at the moment..
im the same, used to love sweet stuff but cant face it now,done off cups of tea and I used to be a right tea pot and also oranges, even the smell makes me gag!!! :puke:

Got a thing for cheese and onion crisps or those onion ring crisps.... also had a thing for Macdonald's cheese melt dippers but they were on the summer menu which is finished now!! tuna and sweetcorn wraps.... anything savory just like you xx
Ooooh and fish... Im loving prawns, cooked preoperly of course....
:lol: yeah we must be!!! i have a thing for fish finger sarnies as well :lol: ummmmmmmmm
Oh girls you just wait.........

I went off sweet things for a little while, approx 2-3 weeks and then my sweet tooth came back with avengence....now I cannot get enough of it (although trying to limit my daily intake, she says whilst stuffing her face with a bag of Bassets Fruit Allsorts :D ).

Im actually off meat at the moment!!
haha... My sister said that with her last pregnancy she started off craving savoury stuff and was like OH NO I MUST CRAVE SWEET THINGS i already have 3 boys and then after a few weeks her sweet tooth came back too and she had a girl.. lol
havent noticed anything strange with food so far really strong smells like coffee turning me off but i love ice cream at moment i love it anyway but already sent oh out two days running to get different ones lol :D
I have gone off rice for some reason :think: The thought of it turns my tummy :puke:
First real sign I knew something was up was when I bought a tuna sandwitch and i took 2 bites and then gave it to my cats. then the thought of a kitkat was making me gag (and i eat them every single day!) - and i lost my taste for cola.
I'm now on cranberry juice diluted, and tomato crisps, which i never had a taste for before :dance:
Another weird thing is everytime before when i tried to switch to decaf coffee I would get terrible headaches, even though i was getting caffeine from cola - now i'm not getting any caffien and i've been fine.
I went right off chinese food, but then again got a real thing for cola bottles!!! yum x
I have been totally weird! I'm doing my OH's head in! If I suddeny get it in my head that I have to have something, then I HAVE to have it! This has been all kinds of things; mint hot chocolate, tinned pears, noodles, cheese, malt loaf, tomatoes, mullerice, Dr Pepper - which is really weird because I never ever drink pop, I can't have touched anything like Dr Pepper for years and years. And if I have it in my head what I want to eat then I can only have that - much to the annoyance of my OH who has cooked me several meals that I have literally taken 2 bites of before getting myself a bowl of cereal instead - cus that's what I wanted! :roll:
my problem is the smell of cooking, it makes me feel :puke: so by the time its cooked I dont want it :lol: food is doing my OHs head in cause I just never know what I wanna eat mean wise!!
I have gone off fish ! and the smell ! and generally dont want to eat anything apart from Oranges !! cant get enough of them !
I totally went off meat! I was alright with SOME meat for a bit in Tri2 but I'm terrible again and hate it.

Hope I like it again when I've had the baby!! x
ive been heavily into bad foods since i found out. beforehand id lost 5 stone on ww so only had healthy stuff, but now i cant stand the idea of fruit! Very odd. Fav at the mo is cheese and ham sarnies, and crisps. havent really got a sweet tooth, but occasionally have wanted it, so just gotta have it!
i'm the same! totally gone of sweet stuff which is not like me- i'm the type of gal who could eat chocolate for breakfast and fit in pudding even if i was stuffed!! at the moment really into sandwiches and jacket potatoes. eating chips and fried stuff makes me gag.
OH is already pulling his hair out because we went out for lunch on the weekend and ended up coming home as none the places we went to had anything on the menu i liked!! :oops:
when my mum was having me she craved hot beetroot and would buy it hot and walk home eating it, and by the time she got home her face n hands and clothes would be stained bright red :shock:

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