What foods dont agree with you anymore?


Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2011
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I was enjoying my lunch break today till i started to eat my cheese and salad cream baguette and little bubba decided that my body doesnt like it anymore was instantly ill and have been ill since :sick:. Doesnt help that i work in a baguette shop and the smell of the fillings are starting to get to me, think my boss will be finding out soon :lol:.
Oh dear that doesnt sound too good!! I feel ill after eating sausages now.. and i love sausages x
Anything that is citrus-y or tomato-ey!!

Gives me terrible burning in my chest almost like heartburn but not quite.

However I do still love pizza so that's a bonus.............and sausage rolls too, think are becoming part of my stable diet lol :)
I can't eat pizza, which was my favourite. I struggle with main meals - don't really fancy anything :( I miss food!
I tend to have to force myself to eat then once I am eating i'm ravenous, my mum made chicken supreme and invited us over the other day IT WAS AMAZING!!! I haven't had mum's cooking since I left home lol :)
I can't eat pizza, which was my favourite. I struggle with main meals - don't really fancy anything :( I miss food!

Mrs Blue I know just how that feels. I usually love cooking, eating, anything to do with food. I'm reduced to cold toast now!
I usually love spicy food but just the thought of it turns my stomach. I walked past the Pasty Shop today and had to run home quickly, the smell just didn't agree with me and I love pasty's, pies, sausage rolls, anything with pastry. Roll on Tri 2 when I can eat again!
All food agrees with me! I'm always hungry!
me too, i can eat whatever but just get the nauseous feeling after most things, x
I have had no sickness yet!! Woop! However for some reason yoghurts now turn my stomach! That's the only thing I have noticed. Xx
Mine varies by the day, I got a sudden urge to eat honey loop cereal the other night and loved it. Tried some in the morning and couldn,t stomach it at all. Cheese is a defo no no, just looking at it makes me ill. Finally got a craving tho, kfc chicken and gravy, yummmm.
at first i was constantly hungry and eating pretty much everything and anything in sight. then all i really wanted was oranges, chicken and nuts. now i just dont fancy anything! ive been eating obviously, but nothing is particularly satisfying anymore. having to go to tesco each day cause i cant do a weeks shopping anymore as i never know what i want. spending a good half an hour a day pacing up and down tesco with an empty basket til eventually i just give in and shove anything in the basket. frustrating!!! x
Haven't eaten chicken since I was 6 weeks, can't face curry now and gone off veg a bit, which I used to love... Strangely enough chocolate biscuits are still ok!! ha ha
I can't drink tea!! I am a tea addict and I'm really struggling :lol: Not because of the caffeine - I was only having normal tea in the morning and then decaf for the rest of the day but I feel lost without a mug in my hand!
I can't get enough orange juice though!!
Well i have always loved garlic but since i have been pregnant i cannot stand the stuff and it makes me so ill if i have it.... Suppose the people around me dont miss the morning after smell lmao xx
im struggling to eat because of constantly feeling nauseous! when i am hungry, i have to eat right that moment, because i could be feeling sick again in 5 minutes.

i cant eat fruit (except bananas) or drink fruit juices because it gives me heartburn now :(
the smell of most foods make me want to be sick at the moment.
I hope i dont go off currys or cheese (not together) id be lost without them lol and i couldnt live without my irn bru it does wonders for my nauseous moments which seems to be all day today
Errrrr yuk yuk yuk! Tuna pasta is a definite no no! I read this post earlier and thought hmmm I don't think I've really gone off anything, apart from the smells of certain things but I can still eat them.

Then I made a tuna pasta, with mayo n sweet corn and a bit of spring onion, and as I started mixing it all together I thought this doesn't look too tempting anymore. Just sat down to eat it and it's made me feel so sick! I'm hungry but can't touch it!!

So girls be warned! Haha! My list of things to avoid so far is ham, vinegar, bread? (just the smell), and now tuna pasta!
I made an amazing curry yday tho and it was extra tasty so I'm glad I can still eat that.

I'm more drawn to dry snacky type things in the day tho so think il stick to that for now! Xxx

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