What does your OH....

My DH doesn't care. He listens if I tell him something about PF (or any other forums I'm on) but he never asks about them.

He is a mod on a forum himself, www.switchingtomac.com (apple mac forum), so he is really only interested in that.
Brian doesnt mind.... he knows this place keeps me sane (well semi-sane :wink: ) when he is offshore!
He doesnt seem to like it too much tbh, thinks that we bounce ideas off each other and get wound up thinking something is wrong when its not.

He also doesnt like me coming in and going "omg i have to find out if ..... has popped yet"

Having said that he cant complain too much, he runs his own car forum for vag owners (funnily enough what its called lol) and it irritates me that hes on there so much
Mine always says 'oh you talking to your 'huns' again!' :roll: :rotfl:
And how many more sigs are you going to make? :lol:

He also signed up about a year ago and threatens to read stuff that I have written.

So peas if you are reading this you're a *&^%!

:wink: :wink: :rotfl:
He is always asking 'has anyone popped on the forums?!' everytime he comes home from work! :lol: No 'hello dear, how are you feeling?'!! :rotfl: I bet if he came home to find that I'd popped he'd still ask about you ladies first! :)
Mine enquires "Are you still on that gay forum?" but secretly I think he's interested....
I'm reading it now shhhhhhhhhh jools is bathing brody dont tell her :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
abcd1234 said:
He doesnt seem to like it too much tbh, thinks that we bounce ideas off each other and get wound up thinking something is wrong when its not.

He also doesnt like me coming in and going "omg i have to find out if ..... has popped yet"

Pretty much sums up what Sean thinks, but he's a man so who cares :rotfl:
Dean knows its a good source of support. and when i mention things on here he says ohh your really into it arent you! bless him!

its nice to read things to him and get him a bit more prepared for when Sophie is here.
:D Yay he doesnt mind it he calls you all "the pregnancy shlaaags" because I belong to a other forum that was the *****shlaaags. He knows your not shlaags though! He asks hows things and listens to me ramble on about posts and stuff :D I think he likes it coz he knows what Im upto :)
I don't think my dh is too bothered. He never really mentions it but will listen if I tell him sonething from here.
:lol: james has a few names for PF some nice and some not so nice :roll: :lol:

he knoes how much support i receive from it but he finds it hard to understand how close ive got to some of you girls. and why i have to share everything and my need to support others on here so much.

but he dose like knowing whats going on though he cant keep up with all the gossip get confused and gives up trying to get it :rotfl:
I think Kev is on here more than me at the moment! :roll: Nosey bugger! :shakehead: Don't worry though everyone he sticks to Off Topic! :lol:
jools221181 said:
I think Kev is on here more than me at the moment! :roll: Nosey bugger! :shakehead: Don't worry though everyone he sticks to Off Topic! :lol:

:lol: Nick also checks out the forum on a daily basis, he does occasionally post although I sometimes have to check what he's written as sometimes his humour can be a little misunderstood! :lol: :lol: :lol:
kazlin said:
jools221181 said:
I think Kev is on here more than me at the moment! :roll: Nosey bugger! :shakehead: Don't worry though everyone he sticks to Off Topic! :lol:

:lol: Nick also checks out the forum on a daily basis, he does occasionally post although I sometimes have to check what he's written as sometimes his humour can be a little misunderstood! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm allowed to have a sense of humour? Crud... Now they tell me.. *wanders off muttering about pregnancy forum shlaaaaags*

Sounds like a continental beer..

"Ere darlin, two shlaags and a packet of pork scratchins when you've got a moment.."
Ive yet to find out...............Only just this week got the net hooked up at home, we could never be bothered at the flat so I was always on here either at mums or work (he was at none of those places) but I would tell him stuff like ''you know that pregnancy forum I go on well blah blah blah'' and EVERY time he would go ''no what forum'' so I would say ''god you know that pregnancy forum I joined when I was pregnant'' and he goes ''oh right'' and thats it, same convo everytime, does this mean he doesnt listen to me :think:

So maybe ill reply to this post in a few weeks when I find oout what he really thinks..................
Mine calls you my harpies.

If I'm unsureof something he'll say "why don't you ask your harpies?"

I'm sure he means it in a nice way..he has his own unique sense of humour, also he does read the forum sometimes but is not a member.

He'll not be impressed tonight when he discovers I have broken the 's' key on his lap top writing this post though :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
OMG i dont know how many times iv had to explain this forum isnt just for pregnant women :roll: :wall: :wall:

to be fair he's stopped saying "but youre not pregnant!" every time i mention it so i think its finally sunk in :lol:

he often refers to it as "your silly forum" or "what's going on in pregnancy-land?" :lol:

thinks he finds it mildly amusing, im not sure im not gonna ask him now, if he knows im talkin about him he'll get a big head!
I literally just asked Ali and he said 'It keeps you out of trouble' :D

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