What does your OH....


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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....think of this forum?

Mine calls you all my 'pregnant friends' no matter how many times I tell him this forum isn't just for those that are pregnant :roll: :lol:
He listens when i tell him stuff. He finds some of the stuff very interesting. He's even thinking of joining himself! Lol
yeah my OH is into it and i read him some of the threads. he was the one who encouraged me to get back on here after id had caitlyn - forced me to make time.
He calls it 'The Forum' and he knows that I couldn't live without it 8)

If I tell him stuff he'll take an interest. He especially took an interest when I told him I posted some photos of him and people thought he was fit :rotfl:

If I've got an opinion on something he'll say 'Are you gonna go on the forum and rant about it with the girls?' and I'm like 'You know what, I think I might' :lol:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
....think of this forum?

Mine calls you all my 'pregnant friends' no matter how many times I tell him this forum isn't just for those that are pregnant :roll: :lol:

my OH does that too, but probably doesnt help that i am pregnant again lol. he does listen when i ramble about something that was said on the forum or if im " just checking to see if such and such has had their baby yet" lol
yeah my OH is into it and i read him some of the threads. he was the one who encouraged me to get back on here after id had caitlyn - forced me to make time.
My oh deosnt like me coming on here as he thinks i could spend my time better - like im gunas listen to him!
But he moans in generl when im on the lappy!
x-kirsty-x said:
If I've got an opinion on something he'll say 'Are you gonna go on the forum and rant about it with the girls?' and I'm like 'You know what, I think I might' :lol:

:rotfl: OH says that to me too.. last night can't remember but I said something and he said 'are you gonna tell your pregnant friends about that' :rotfl: Thats when I thought about starting this thread :oops: sad act :rotfl:
He thinks its very usefull! listens when I tell him info that I have found out on here etc.. hes a member of afew car forums (just recently) and hes always on them so I guess he knows the drill now :lol:
I used to be a member of a lot of car forums, then i lost interest as i was being bullied on them, by the same group of people. People are so much nicer on here anyway.
And when i have a question that OH can't answer, he just says "Why don't you ask them on that site. I'm sure someone will help" Its the 1st site he's ever said that about.
He thinks I'm strange for still coming on here when my youngest is 16 months old and we aren't having any more. It's just so addictive i can't bare to leave.
Mine calls in bumps annonamous (ba), but still laughs outloud when i read him jokes from here, and was thrilled with my bumps anonamous bargain nappies :p
my o/h gets annoyed he says you lot know me better than he does :rotfl: plus the fact i usually tell you lot things first before him like when i got my bfp :oops: xxxxxxxx
mrs_tommo22 said:
My oh deosnt like me coming on here as he thinks i could spend my time better - like im gunas listen to him!
But he moans in generl when im on the lappy!

Snap, or when he wants his wicked way with me and im on here all night, he says god you care more about them on there than me ....... Talk about feeling sorry for yourself.
my oh hates it and all i get is "that bloody think again"

i have been on here 3 years on the 8th of july so you would have thought he was used to it by now :rotfl:
Mine hate it :lol: He always says that bloody pregnancy forum, your not even pregnant!! How many times I have to say its not just for pregnant people he doesnt listen and if he catches me in say 3rd \tri he says see I told you PREGNANT PEOPLE! :roll: idiot :rotfl: If he comes home and I said I was going to do something and never bothered he always says oohh was the forum to interesting today. Div :rotfl:
My OH just makes a joke when he comes in from work and im on it

"Talking to sexy boys r u"

To which i reply

"No just mums and mums to be"

Become a ritual because he says it everytime
He knows im not like, just joking :)

I tell him interesting things off it too
Like the thing about Bellybump he found interesting and :shock:
He asks me whats going down on 'The Forum' and often tells me post & ask q's on here, think he finds it just as useful as me! He says im an addict but thas something im not afraid to admit!!

Infact... *Runs off to make PF ADDICT blinkie* :lol:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
....think of this forum?

Mine calls you all my 'pregnant friends' no matter how many times I tell him this forum isn't just for those that are pregnant :roll: :lol:

haha thats exactly what my OH says..

"are you talking to your pregnant ppl again?"

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