what does your 6 month old eat!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2008
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me again :oops:
i have read both of the weaning threads and although they are great im unsure what jack can have!!
im doing a mixture of BLW and purees...
what do u feed your LOs, at this age do you give breakfast lunch and dinner and snacks.
arrrggghhhh pls help!!
what do you give LO to drink xxxxx
Hi Nic :wave:

I've read the BLW book and basically it says that most of babies nutricion (sp?) still comes from heir milk feeds up to a year, so you are just complimenting that with a range of solids. So offer the breast or bottle first to fill him up then offer food after to let him explore it as he is yet to learn to use food to actually get rid of hunger. Basically trying to get all of the main food groups covered so protein, carbs, etc.

I'm gonna do it by giving as many different types of veg as possible, the more different colour veg's you give, the bigger range of nutrients you'll be coverng. Plus i'm gonna give pasta and toast too as they are easy to do and easy for LO to hold.

Im gonna start off probably giving lunch and tea and move onto breakfast, lunch and tea once i think he is actually eating it and has got used to the idea that he eats to feel full.

The BLW book is great for more advice on that :D

Hope that helps. :hug: xx
Until 6 months its advised to only give fruit and veggies. After that things like pasta, bread, meat and other things can be given.

Of course not nuts, honey, salt and a few other things.

I'd not give finger foods yet, but hold off till 6 months for those due to developmental ability. Chewing and gag reflex.

If before 6 months its advised to only introduce one new food every few days. To make sure tummy is coping with them etc.

I'd start off with one meal a day, either lunch or tea and offer veggies and fruit if you are doing purees. Once at 6 months you can start introducing foods without waiting a few days between. I'd build up from one feed a day for a week or two, then add another. I started with tea and then brought in breakfast and LO had porridge (Boots organic baby one) or toast. Sometimes scrambled egg or yogurt and fruit.

Don't be too keen to increase meals too quickly. If it takes your LO a month or two to get to 3 meals a day thats fine.

I've still not introduced snacks. Nor do I plan to for a while unless its fruit. I am still breastfeeding and if LO wants a bit of a snack I'd rather he have the boob for fore milk as he isn't drinking lots of water as yet.

Remember that nutrition wise milk is where baby is getting it all from. Food is extra as it were. Also babies don't understand that food = filling them up and stopping them being hungry till around 8-9 months.
Rudy is two days off 6 months so as we got his highchair from Ikea last night so we have started 'proper food' a few days early. He has had porridge and wholemeal toast fingers for breakfast and they have been a hit.

He has had a few finger foods before now, for the last 3 weeks say and has coped well with them but it was more for fun than actually getting him to eat anyting.

I think we are going to try baby pasta this evening, this 6 month mark is great as your free to feed almost anything from here.


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