what does this mean?


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2010
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:wave: ladies...any advice on this appreciated...(sorry to be a pain..!) this symptom spotting is obsessive!

i am not due :witch: til 7th feb, but today have got cramping and kinda sore stomach (like a period tum), i usually get this feeling before i start :witch: but not usually 11 days beforehand, usually maybe 5 days before..

anyone any ideas? no bleeding or anything so i assume it cant be implantationif no bleed? but again not sure if i have my facts right..:shakehead:

lots of :dust: to everyone
hiii!! :D good luck ttc!! i hope its implantation cramping!!! :D xxx
hi lisa

thanks!:) i just a bit confused cos i have no bleeding and thought it might be too early for implantation but not sure?! i'm only 4/5 days dpo..xxx
well i didnt know anything bout implantation till i jioned here when i was already preg. so the other girls might be able to advise you better if its possible!! :D hopefully tho it seems wayy too early for period cramps so fingers crossed xxx
ok thanks for that tho, its always good just to get a reply cos it gets frustrating sitting thinkin about it all day long!! hate the 2ww! after 3 kids you'd think i'd know this but i wasnt consciously trying the other times!

anyways thanks for ur reply...and for keeping your fingers crossed! xx
know the feeling i have 2 children and never did any of this 2ww and looking for every sign going they were just lovely surprises and this time round finding the planning a baby really hard!! hope you get your bfp soon xx
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Hmmmm might be too early for implantation cramps unless you O'd a bit early? Also could you not be O'ing a wee bit late and the pains could be that? Sorry i'm not much help am i? xx
i think i definately ov'd on 23/24th as i had cramps on and off most of day, so am hoping got that right. but still been doin bd since then too just incase! so hopefully have my bfp this month! xx
Hmmmm might be too early for implantation cramps unless you O'd a bit early? Also could you not be O'ing a wee bit late and the pains could be that? Sorry i'm not much help am i? xx

I agree. Keep up the bd-ing...my cycle turned all funny and longer just when i started keeping proper track...no way of knowing when you ov. unless using opk's.

good luck xxx
Hmmmm might be too early for implantation cramps unless you O'd a bit early? Also could you not be O'ing a wee bit late and the pains could be that? Sorry i'm not much help am i? xx

I agree. Keep up the bd-ing...my cycle turned all funny and longer just when i started keeping proper track...no way of knowing when you ov. unless using opk's.

good luck xxx

i would like to say that i done use opk, that is why i am in the mess im in now... no idea when i ov'd really, was just going by ewcm, but theres room for error in that, by up to 6 days!!!

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