What does this mean?


May 10, 2007
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I had sex with my on/off boyfriend about 5 weeks ago and I got my period as I should have done 2 weeks later but on the first day of my period we had sex again. I obviously didn't think I would be pregnant because I had got my period but this time I didn't have the severe cramping pains like I usually do. Anyway it ended but for the past week and a half I have had the most disgusting taste in my mouth, it's like I've been sucking rusty nails (I haven't lol!) and I have an equally disgusting smell up my nose which is worse in the morning. I've also been feeling quite sick and today for instance, I decided I really really wanted McDonalds for lunch even though I usually hate it and after eating it I felt sick. Also last week I had an awful wave of depression come over me for no reason and I ended up crying about something pathetic.
I took a test on Saturday which was negative but then again I'm not due for my period until this Sunday. I also don't have sore boobs like I usually do before a period.
Do you think there's a possibility I could be pregnant or do you think it's a no what with the fact I have already had a normal period - oh I forgot to add I haven't had sex again since the first day of my last period as my boyfriend has been away. What do you guys think?
i think..
you should prob wait till AF is due and test again..
are you TTC??
These do sound like pregnancy symtoms..
but it could also be somethin else.. xx
I've also developed this huge appetite :eek: I still think it's my mind playing tricks on me but I don't know. I hate waiting.
Right so AF is a day late. I was convinced I had it this morning when I woke up because I had cramps and felt damp down below (sorry if tmi) but nothing at all. I still feel damp, have cramps, backache and a slight stabbing in my right ovary. I felt so dizzy this morning as well and still can't stop weeing (lol). Oh and my boobs have only just started hurting today (I usually get this up to two weeks before AF is due).

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