What does this all mean? Down Syndrom fears...


Oct 10, 2010
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Hi all,

I've just had my combined test resoults back and they are 1 in 220 chance of my baby having down syndrom. The doctor said that my hCG levels were 3 time higher than what they should be. I am 35 years old. He recommended I do the Integrated Test which I have booked for Monday.

I am very confused and not sure what this all means...

I was really hoping to geta great result and not have to consider doing an Amnio and now I just don't know what to do.

Has anyone beem through something similar and if so can you please share your knowledge with me?

Thank you,

T xxx
Hi T.

I have not had the same experience, but I just wanted to send my love and hugs.

Take care over the next few days.x
Sounds like they just want to test further just in case.
It must be hard to know what to think, I would ask plenty of questions at your next appointment, and just question why they are suspecting it etc, as you have every right to know why they are concerned.
I hope it's nothing to worry about, good luck and best wishes. X
Hi,wen I was pg wiv my 2nd I had a high risk of 1 in 180 approx,this was based on my blood test cos it was b4 nuchal screenin was done.
I was told the risks and offered an amnio wiv a 1 in 100 chance of miscarriage,I therefore refused the amnio cos personally if my baby had downs I would still b unable to terminate the pregnancy. He is a fine and healthy 8 (9 next week) year old and in my subsequent pregnancies I've refused the testing. Speak to ur family and oh and decide what's best 4 u xx
I was told at my 20 week scan that the baby was really really small and not grwoing properly and that it could be Pacauds syndrome - where the baby would have died in the womb or Edwards syndrome - wher the baby would have been born and lived anything from a minute to a year but could have had severe birth defects on the face

We were offered an amnio test for the reason that they would have given me a section to deliver the baby as they said emotionally for me and my OH they wouldnt want me to go through labour with and end result being one of the syndromes

its is your choice whether to have the amnio or not xx
sorry we were offered the amnio and went ahead that day with it and all the results came back clear xx

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